>> -- I see that simple embodiment is not anywhere near enough
>>   to put human social contact into the reach of direct experience.
>>   Embodiment will help AGI understand "chair" and "table";
>>   it will not help it understand vindictiveness, slander.
> True

 Well, maybe I spoke too soon

For instance, slander is about lying, and understanding lying will be easier
for an AI system if it is embodied in a world together with other agents, so
it can
see which of the other agents' statements accurately reflect the state of
shared world.

While it's true that simple embodiment will not allow rich understanding of
emotions, I think it will still allow a lot of understanding of human social
and attitudes, via giving a shared-experience context for socially-oriented
linguistic utterances

Recall Calvin and Bickerton (Lingua Ex Machina) 's theory that linguistic
case roles
are derived from human social roles.  To the extent this is true, a basic
of social roles in common situations (which can certainly be derived from a
embodiment) may be very helpful in providing AI's with the inductive bias
to effectively learn human language.

-- Ben G

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