
So it could be a specific set of states? To specify long term growth
as a goal, wouldn't you need to be able to do an abstract evaluation
of how the state *changes* rather than just the current state?

yes, and of course a GroundedPredicateNode could do that too ... the system
can recall its prior states and time-stamp the memories...

> This is described in the chapter on goal-oriented cognition in the OCP
> wikibook...

Searching for goal in the wikibook got me a whole lot of pages, none
of them with goal in the title. Is there any way to de-wiki the titles
so that a search for goal would pick up
http://opencog.org/wiki/OpenCogPrime:SchemaContextGoalTriad in its
title? Goal picks up way too many text searches.

Look at the series of pages in the chapter



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