On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 10:06 AM, William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 2008/8/29 Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > About recursive self-improvement ... yes, I have thought a lot about it,
> but
> > don't have time to write a huge discourse on it here
> >
> > One point is that if you have a system with N interconnected modules, you
> > can approach RSI by having the system separately think about how to
> improve
> > each module.  I.e. if there are modules A1, A2,..., AN ... then you can
> for
> > instance hold A1,...,A(N-1) constant while you think about how to improve
> > AN.  One can then iterate through all the modules and improve them in
> > sequence.   (Note that the modules are then doing the improving of each
> > other.)
> I'm not sure what you are getting at here...
> Is modification system implemented in a module (Ai)? If so how would
> evaluate whether a modification Ai, call it AI' did a better job?

The modification system is implemented in a module (subject to
modification), but this is a small module,
which does most of its work by calling on other AI modules (also subject to


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