
On 8/31/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Right", as I used it, flows from "meaning of life", not other way
> around.

It sounds like you are agreeing with my assertion that it is better to go
with "best" than with some preconceived notion of "right"?

Ask yourself: what do you want? How do you make sure that you
> don't screw up the future by making a snappy decision, by asserting
> something wrong, that you would've regretted if you knew the
> consequences,

Doesn't this all fall out of the Beyesian computations?

were smarter or more morally grown-up?

Could you define "more morally grown-up"?

And then figure
> out how to establish the dynamics that will give you second chances,

Again, this should flow from the Beyesian computations.

that will lift the weight of responsibility for the whole future from
> your personal decisions,

Why bother?

from your moral prejudices,

Isn't that in part why we seek to build an AGI?

from your
> cultural environment,

Isn't that why our AGI would have a worldwide presence?

and yet, in the end, will find what should be.

By what standard?

No one should have this power,

Why not? The challenge is to avoid misuse of such power, as we have avoided
misusing nuclear weapons. Note the absence of world wars since Herman Kahn's
invention of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).

we need to have a chance to grow up
> before making the decisions that shape the future.

I think that we have already had that chance, and have generally blown it.

Eric, I see the above as being highly steeped in a mixture of parochial
political correctness and Christianity, yet I seem to be unable to find the
words to communicate this beyond asking the countless unanswerable questions
that flow from such misconceptions. Can you help here?

Steve Richfield

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