A closed model is one that is interpreted as representing all truths
about that which is modeled. An open model is instead interpreted as
making a specific set of assertions, and leaving the rest undecided.
Formally, we might say that a closed model is interpreted to include
all of the truths, so that any other statements are false. This is
also known as the closed-world assumption.

A typical example of an open model is a set of statements in predicate
logic. This could be changed to a closed model simply by applying the
closed-world assumption. A possibly more typical example of a
closed-world model is a computer program that outputs the data so far
(and predicts specific future output), as in Solomonoff induction.

These two types of model are very different! One important difference
is that we can simply *add* to an open model if we need to account for
new data, while we must always *modify* a closed model if we want to
account for more information.

The key difference I want to ask about here is: a length-based
bayesian prior seems to apply well to closed models, but not so well
to open models.

First, such priors are generally supposed to apply to entire joint
states; in other words, probability theory itself (and in particular
bayesian learning) is built with an assumption of an underlying space
of closed models, not open ones.

Second, an open model always has room for additional stuff somewhere
else in the universe, unobserved by the agent. This suggests that,
made probabilistic, open models would generally predict universes with
infinite description length. Whatever information was known, there
would be an infinite number of chances for other unknown things to be
out there; so it seems as if the probability of *something* more being
there would converge to 1. (This is not, however, mathematically
necessary.) If so, then taking that other thing into account, the same
argument would still suggest something *else* was out there, and so
on; in other words, a probabilistic open-model-learner would seem to
predict a universe with an infinite description length. This does not
make it easy to apply the description length principle.

I am not arguing that open models are a necessity for AI, but I am
curious if anyone has ideas of how to handle this. I know that Pei
Wang suggests abandoning standard probability in order to learn open
models, for example.

--Abram Demski

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