When an AGI writes a book, designs a new manufacturing base, forms a
decentralised form of regulation, ect, the copyright and patent system will
be futile, because the enclosed material, when deemed useful by another,
will access the same information and rewrite it in another form to create a
separate work outside the realms of property or courts of law. Political
power is becoming more decentralised in the world of the digital. As this
continues, I don't see much use for copyright or need for proprietary
agencies (nations, banks, business) in general.

Keep in mind that scarcity, the proprietary enterprise of copyright and its
representatives (the agencies of scarcity) you speak of will create further
conflict if maintained in an abundantly post-AGI environment.

Trends seem to suggest a continued decentralization of power and a
centralization of freely available information. These conditions have
ripened the voluntary construction of information (Wikipedia) and programs
(OpenOffice). Physical production is taking the same evolutionary path
computing followed from centralized proprietary systems to open portable
systems. Manufacturing is coming closer and closer to home; localized and
at-home desktop manufacturing are in development and will become feasible.
There are far more challenges involved in making physical items financially
free, but with those willing to make it happen with the tools available, and
as less expensive tools become available, most notably, AGI, in a post-AGI
environment, full automation of production both physical and intellectual is
but a skip and a hop away, leaving workforces without a job and capital
without a market to scale.

Scarcities like land area and physical resources on Earth as a given,
capital may not exist post-AGI, yet regulatory agencies will need to remain
to divide and allocate, if but in a more open manner with everyone's
interests in mind, something that would require the assistance of AGIs
embedded in software to maintain.

I have no doubt AGI will do great things for everyone, however, proprietary
agency like copyright will need to stand aside or be challenged. Its also
important that we have a social system in place for individuals previously
existing in proprietary society, something that meets or exceeds the living
standards of Industrialised societies.

In a fully open environment we can expect to rely on personal and social
value instead of ownership and labor value. The attempt to enclose what an
AGI produces will be a rather hopeless endeavor in the long run.

Nathan Cravens

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