--- On Sun, 9/21/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Text compression is IMHO a terrible way of measuring incremental progress 
>toward AGI.  Of course it  may be very valuable for other purposes...

It is a way to measure progress in language modeling, which is an important 
component of AGI as well as many NLP applications such as speech recognition, 
language translation, OCR, and CMR. It has been used in speech recognition 
research since the early 1990's and correlates well with word error rate.

Training will be the overwhelming cost of AGI. Any language model improvement 
will help reduce this cost. I estimate that each one byte improvement in 
compression on a 1 GB text file will lower the cost of AGI by a factor of 
10^-9, or roughly $1 million.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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