On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 1:52 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Cyc already has loads of these rules.

I wasn't aware of those, but I'll check it out.  My hypothesis is that
when the number of rules reaches critical mass, the AGI will be able
to perform human-like reasoning.

> If you have a problem with Cyc's format, I **strongly** suggest that you
> first
> play around with writing scripts to translate Cyc's knowledge base into a
> format you like better.  This would almost surely be vastly easier than
> re-coding
> a comparable amount of knowledge!!

Is that also the approach taken by OCP?

I want to do that (build the KB on top of Cyc's), but the OpenCyc
folks aren't very responsive when it comes to collaborating.

> I am aware that Cyc is incomplete.  And, I tend to think that encoding a lot
> of
> knowledge by hand is the wrong approach for AGI anyway.  Quite apart from
> my interest in embodiment, I think you'd do better off to focus on acquiring
> relationships
> via NLP than via human manual encoding.   However, if you **are** going to
> try
> to accumulate a manually-encoded KB, it seems clear you'd be MUCH better off
> to build atop Cyc rather than throwing it out and starting over!!

The user can enter knowledge in logical form (which is easier for the
AGI) and also in NL (English).  In NL mode the AGI would have to do
some induction / abduction, which is not easy but I may manage to make
it if I restrict the input to a simple form.

> Take a look at SUMO.  It's nicer than Cyc, but way smaller.  IMHO they would
> have
> done better to start by writing scripts to cast Cyc into SUMO-like form, and
> then impose
> additional SUMO-like structure on this.   However, I suppose there were
> commercial
> issues there: SUMO was developed by Teknowledge, a competitor of Cycorp ...

Thanks for the tip!


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