--- On Tue, 9/30/08, YKY (Yan King Yin) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Ben Goertzel
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> We are talking about 2 things:
> >> 1.  Using an "ad hoc" parser to translate NL to logic
> >> 2.  Using an AGI to parse NL
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean by "parse" in step 2
> Sorry, to put it more accurately:
> #1 is using an "ad hoc" NLP subsystem to translate NL to logic

Cyc has been working on step #1 for the last 5 years. I don't think even they 
have any idea how much work is still needed.
> #2 is building a language model entirely in the AGI's logical
> language, thus reducing the language understanding & production
> problems to inference problems.  Which also allows
> life-long learning of language in the AGI.
> I think #2 is not that hard. 

Think again. Step #2 is exactly the same as repeating step #1 except in a 
different specification format. Both steps have the flaw that there is no 
provision for language learning. This requires constant maintenance by users 
who understands the formal system. It will break every time it encounters a 
word, phrase, or grammatical structure that is new or is used in a novel way. A 
language model has 10^9 bits of complexity. That is a lot of updates.

Your approach separates language learning from knowledge base updates. Even if 
you are successful at translating natural language to formal language, you have 
only solved the second problem. We don't use natural language to describe the 
rules for using natural language. This is implicit knowledge. We can only 
describe a few hundred of the million or so grammar rules for English.

Also, it is not possible to finish the product before delivery. A "common 
sense" model like Cyc is only half the job. An average adult has a vocabulary 
of 80,000 words, of which half are common words and the other half are proper 
nouns, most of which are not found in a dictionary.

> The theoretical basis is already there.
> Currently one of the mainstream methods to translate NL to logic, is
> to use FOL + lambda calculus.  Lambda expressions are used to
> represent "partial" logical entities such as a verb phrase.

No, the mainstream method of extracting knowledge from text (other than 
manually) is to ignore word order. In artificial languages, you have to parse a 
sentence before you can understand it. In natural language, you have to 
understand the sentence before you can parse it.

I understand your objection to solving arithmetic and logic problems in an 
adaptive natural language model. A simple, fully connected neural 
representation would require about 10^9 bits of training and 10^18 operations 
to associate "2 + 2" with "4". Then it would take 10^9 operations to retrieve 
this knowledge with a 1% to 5% chance that the answer will be wrong. That is 
why we use calculators. But there is no way around requiring such massive 
computation to associate "I had $2 and was paid two more" with "2 + 2".

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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