
Thanks. But you didn't reply to the surely central-to-AGI question of whether 
this free-form knowledge base is or can be multi-domain - and particularly 
involve radically conflicting sets of rules about how given objects can behave 
- a central feature of the human brain and its knowledge base, I would argue.

I haven't thought this through, but my first thought is that such a 
multi-domain structure lends itself v. strongly to the cross-domain thinking 
that remains a problem for AGI.
  Ben:The OpenCog Atomspace --- its knowledge-base of nodes and links --- is 
totally free-form without any overarching structures imposed by the programmer

  However, hierarchies or frames can of course exist as structures within this 
free-form pool of nodes and links

  In building a particular app using OpenCog, one can opt to build in 
hierarchies and frames and such (via creating XML files containing appropriate 
nodes/links and importing them) or one can start from a blank slate and let the 
whole structure emerge as it will...

  Ben G

  On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


    Some questions then.

    You don't have any spaces or frames as such within your systems? (what 
terms would you use/prefer here BTW?)  Everything is potentially connected to 
everything else?  Perhaps you can give some example from say your 
pet-in-a-virtual-world (or anything else). It doesn't have a frame say re 
"fetching", or some other activity? How can it connect, as you can connect on 
the Web, from say the domain of fetching and balls to any other domain ? Like 
hide-and-seek? Or conversation? (Or, on the Web itself, to planets in a solar 

    It won't have ordered hierarchies, say, re "animals" ("...mammals...humans" 

    Another feature of the webs vs nets distinction. Webs it seems to me are 
*multi-domain* of their very nature. .( A domain, for me, consists of a set of 
elements which behave according to consistent rules - e.g. chess pieces which 
move in set ways on a board).So webs are composed of diverse and often 
contradictory domains and rules. Your sex web, for example, will have a whole 
variety of domains, religious, literary, different moralities, etiquette, 
fashion, pornographic, fantasy etc offering contradictory rules about whom you 
can and can't have sex with, and how, and when - and for what reasons Ditto our 
language webs consist of radically conflicting rules about how we can and can't 
speak, construct sentences, use words, spell, mix different conventions, 
accents, tones etc. etc. Do your spaces/domains exist similarly with 
conflicting rules? You don't need to keep updating them for consistency? Your 
system can, for example, survive with conflicting rules of logic - Nars-ian and 
PLN - as your own brain can?

    I suspect IOW there *are* important distinctions to be drawn & explored 
here. And my first attempt here may be rather like my first attempt at defining 
programs a long time ago, which failed to distinguish between sequences and 
structures of instructions - and was then pounced on by AI-ers.

      On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        As I understand the way you guys and AI generally work, you create 
well-organized spaces which your programs can systematically search for 
options. Let's call them "nets" - which have systematic, well-defined and 
orderly-laid-out connections between nodes.

      That is simply incorrect ... the connections between 
nodes/terms/concepts/whatever are chaotic and self-organized and disorderly, 
within OpenCogPrime, NARS, or any of a load of other AGI systems.

      And then you have some cognitive processes that try to build order out of 
the chaos and create links imposing some fragmentary order ... which won't last 
long unless actively maintained [roughly: as some folks build directories of 
parts of the Web...]

      There is a large body of study of the connection statistics of large 
networks, and some (but less) study of the dynamics of connection stats in 
large networks.

      -- Ben G

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  Ben Goertzel, PhD
  CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
  Director of Research, SIAI

  "Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first 
overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson

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