--- On Wed, 10/15/08, Vladimir Nesov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interstellar void must be astronomically intelligent, with
> all its incompressible noise...

How do you know it's not compressible?

Compression is not computable. To give a concrete example, the output of RC4 
looks like random noise if you don't know the key. Yet it is extremely simple 

More generally, the universe might be simulated by the following algorithm: 
enumerate all Turing machines until life is found, running the n'th machine for 
n steps. In this case, the universe (including your interstellar void) has a 
complexity of log2 H = 407 bits, where H is the Bekenstein bound of the Hubble 
radius, 2.91 x 10^122 bits.

(Anyway, this is aside from my point that you apparently missed, that 
algorithmic complexity is an upper bound on intelligence only).

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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