--- On Wed, 10/15/08, Dr. Matthias Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Text compression would be AGI-complete but I think it is
> still too big.
> The problem is the source of knowledge. If you restrict to
> mathematical
> expressions then the amount of data necessary to teach the
> AGI is probably
> much smaller. In fact AGI could teach itself using a
> current theorem prover.

Goedel and Turing showed that theorem proving is equivalent to solving the 
halting problem. So a simple measure of intelligence might be to count the 
number of programs that can be decided. But where does that get us? Either way 
(as as set of axioms, or a description of a universal Turing machine), the 
problem is algorithmically simple to describe. Therefore (by AIXI) any solution 
will be algorithmically simple too.

If you defined AGI this way, what would be your approach?

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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