On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Ed Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vlad,
> They could be used much like normal nodes, except that a given set of basic
> nodes that form a conceptual node would be auto-associative within their own
> population, and they would have some of the benefits of redundancy,
> robustness, resistance to noise, and gradual forgetting, that I mentioned
> earlier.
> Robert Hecht-Nielsens "Mechanization of Cognition" particularly in Appendix
> section 3.A.3 and 3.A.4 gives a good description of how a particular type of
> neural assemblies can be used for semantic representation and imagination.
> This article text used to be available on the web, but I don't see it
> anymore.  It was published as chapter 3 in Bar-Cohen, Y. [Ed.] Biomimetics:
> Biologically Inspired Technologies, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (2006).

They can't work quite like normal nodes, because there are too many of
them and you can't learn so many mappings ("edges" between these
"nodes") independently of each other. Associations will be heavily
interdependent, which is one example of a thing that makes the concept
of cell assemblies bad, unless clearly shown otherwise. When
assemblies are heavily dependent on each other, assembly-as-node
metaphor just breaks down. Besides, you can't have a dynamic that
separately implements association and redundancy between different
configurations of nodes: redundancy within assemblies, and association
between assemblies. These pressures will also be entangled, blurring
the boundaries of assemblies. The main theme is that assemblies don't
float in the aether, but are properties of cognitive dynamic
implemented in terms of nodes, and should be shown to make sense in
this context.

Based on "confabulation" papers, I find Hecht-Nielsen deeply confused.
If his results even mean anything, he does a poor job of explaining
what it is and why, and what makes what he says new. Another slim
possibility is that his theory is way over my background, but all the
cues point the other way.

Vladimir Nesov

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