2008/10/17 Bryan Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Bob, it's already happening behind your back, and I'm not talking
> about iCub. While platform standardization is important, there's other
> things that you can do like write cross-platform compatible
> applications and compilers, or working on rounding up all of the GPLed
> source files that are scattered across the web for software that
> people have released but nobody has ever really collected, and such.

Cross platform code is not really a major issue.  The basic problem is
that if I expend a lot of time and effort developing a super
manipulation program for a robot arm can someone else then take that
code and reuse it, without needing to make a prohibitive number of
changes or necessarily understanding the algorithms in detail.  If the
answer to this is "yes" then open source robotics is really possible.

The history of robotics, certainly in the industrial realm, is one of
multiple proprietary and mutually incompatible systems, with very
little in the way of code reuse.  Imagine if every time you bought a
new PC you had to manually write an operating system for it yourself
before you could begin doing anything useful.  Something similar to
this has been the situation with robotics for most of its (admittedly
brief) history.

I am optimistic that things will change though.  As always, the
price/performance ratio resulting from Moore's law predicts that a
real open source movement in robotics will become possible some time
soon.  A few years ago it almost looked as if a company called "White
Box" was about to produce a decent PC based robot for around $1000,
but after delays and redesigns the eventual product turned out to be
$5000-8000, effectively squashing the chance of it becoming a common
platform.  Still, I think some company will eventually succeed in
producing a mass market PC based robot.

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