
> To re-explain: We might construct generalizations of AIXI that use a
> broader range of models. Specifically, it seems reasonable to try
> models that are extensions of first-order arithmetic, such as
> second-order arithmetic (analysis), ZF-set theory... (Models in
> first-order logic of course could be considered equivalent to
> Turing-machine models, the current AIXI.) Description length then
> becomes description-length-in-language-X. But, any such extension is
> doomed to a simple objection:
> (1) We humans understand the semantics of formal system X.
> (2) The undefinability theorem shows that formal system X cannot
> understand its own semantics.
> That is what needs an explanation.

It doesn't, because **I see no evidence that humans can
understand the semantics of formal system in X in any sense that
a digital computer program cannot**

Whatever this mysterious "understanding" is that you believe you
possess, **it cannot be communicated to me in language or
mathematics**.  Because any series of symbols you give me, could
equally well be produced by some being without this mysterious

Can you describe any possible finite set of finite-precision observations
that could provide evidence in favor of the hypothesis that you possess
this posited "understanding", and against the hypothesis that you are
something equivalent to a digital computer?

I think you cannot.

So, your belief in this posited "understanding" has nothing to do with
science, it's
basically a kind of religious faith, it seems to me... '-)

-- Ben G

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