On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting!  I have a good friend who is also an AGI enthusiast who
> followed the same path as you ... a lot of time burned making his own
> superior, stripped-down, AGI-customized variant of LISP, followed by a
> decision to just go with LISP ;-)

I'm not surprised :-)

> But I thought I'd mention that for OpenCog we are planning on a
> cross-language approach.  The core system is C++, for scalability and
> efficiency reasons, but the MindAgent objects that do the actual AI
> algorithms should be creatable in various languages, including Scheme or

*nods* As you know, I'm of the opinion that C++ is literally the worst
possible choice in this context. However...

> We can do self-modification of components of the system by coding these
> components in LISP or other highly manipulable languages.

This is good, and for what it's worth I think the best approach for
OpenCog at this stage to aim to stabilize the C++ core as soon as
possible, and try to write AI code at the higher level in Lisp, Combo
or whatever.

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