Ben Goertzel wrote:

Ed / Richard,

It seems to me that Richard's propsal is in large part a modernization of Peirce's metaphysical analysis of awareness.

Peirce introduced foundational metaphysical categories of First, Second and Third ... where First is defined as raw unanalyzable awareness/being ...

To me, Richard's analysis sounds a lot like Peirce's statement that consciousness is First...

And Ed's refutation sounds like a rejection of First as a meaningful category, and an attempt to redirect the conversation to the level of Third...

Sorry to be negative, but no, my proposal is not in any way a modernization of Peirce's metaphysical analysis of awareness.

The standard meaning of Hard Problem issues was described very well by Chalmers, and I am addressing the hard problem of concsciousness, not the other problems.

Ed is talking about consciousness in a way that plainly wanders back and forth between Hard Problem issues and Easy Problem, and as such he has misunderstood the entirety of what I wrote in the paper.

It might be arguable that my position relates to Feigl, but even that is significantly different.

Richard Loosemore

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