
  After reading your paper and contemplating the implications, I
believe you have done a good job at describing the intuitive notion of
"consciousness" that many lay-people use the word to refer to.  I
don't think your explanation is fleshed out enough for those
lay-people, but its certainly sufficient for most the people on this
list.  I would recommend that anyone who hasn't read the paper, and
has an interest in this whole consciousness business, give it a read.

I especially liked the bit where you describe how the model of self
can't be defined in terms of anything else.. as it is inherently
recursive.  I wonder whether the dynamic updating of the model of self
may well be exactly the subjective experience of "consciousness" that
people describe.  If so, the notion of a p-zombie is not impossible,
as you suggest in your conclusions, but simply an AGI without a

Finally, the introduction says:

  "Given  the  strength  of  feeling on  these matters - for  example,
 the widespread belief  that AGIs  would  be  dangerous  because,  as
conscious  beings, they would inevitably rebel against their lack of
freedom - it  is  incumbent upon  the AGI  community  to  resolve
these questions  as  soon  as  possible."

I was really looking forward to seeing you address this widespread
belief, but unfortunately you declined.  Seems a bit of a tease.


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