John G. Rose wrote:
From: Richard Loosemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Three things.

First, David Chalmers is considered one of the world's foremost
researchers in the consciousness field (he is certainly now the most
celebrated).  He has read the argument presented in my paper, and he
discussed it with me.  He understood all of it, and he does not share
any of your concerns, nor anything remotely like your concerns.  He had
one single reservation, on a technical point, but when I explained my
answer, he thought it interesting and novel, and possibly quite valid.

Second, the remainder of your comments below are not coherent enough to
be answerable, and it is not my job to walk you through the basics of
this field.

Third, about your digression:  gravity does not "escape" from black
holes, because gravity is just the curvature of spacetime.  The other
things that cannot escape from black holes are not "forces".

I will not be replying to any further messages from you because you are
wasting my time.

I read this paper several times and still have trouble holding the model
that you describe in my head as it fades quickly and then there is a just a
memory of it (recursive ADD?). I'm not up on the latest consciousness
research but still somewhat understand what is going on there. Your paper is
a nice and terse description but to get others to understand the highlighted
entity that you are trying to describe may be easier done with more
diagrams. When I kind of got it for a second it did appear quantitative,
like mathematically describable. I find it hard to believe though that
others have not put it this way, I mean doesn't Hofstadter talk about this
in his books, in an unacademical fashion?

Hofstadter does talk about loopiness and recursion in ways that are similar, but the central idea is not the same. FWIW I did have a brief discussion with him about this at the same conference where I talked to Chalmers, and he agreed that his latest ideas about consciousness and the one I was suggesting did not seem to overlap.

Richard Loosemore

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