>> I completed the first draft of a technical paper on consciousness
>> the other day.  It is intended for the AGI-09 conference, and it
>> can be found at:

Ben> Hi Richard,

Ben> I don't have any comments yet about what you have written,
Ben> because I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to
Ben> say... I hope your answers to these questions will help clarify
Ben> things.

Ben> It seems to me that your core argument goes something like this:

Ben> That there are many concepts for which an introspective analysis
Ben> can only return the concept itself.  That this recursion blocks
Ben> any possible explanation.  That consciousness is one of these
Ben> concepts because "self" is inherently recursive.  Therefore,
Ben> consciousness is explicitly blocked from having any kind of
Ben> explanation.

Haven't read the paper yet, but the situation with introspection 
is the following:

Introspection accesses a meaning level, at which you can summon and
use concepts (subroutines) by name, but you are protected essentially 
by information hiding from looking at the code that implements them.

Consider for example summoning Microsoft Word to perform some task.
You know what you are doing, why you are doing it, how you intend to
use it, but you have no idea of the code within Microsoft Word. The
same is true for internal concepts within your mind.

Your mind is no more built to be able to look inside subroutines, than
my laptop is built to output the internal transistor values. Partial
results within subroutines are not meaningful, your conscious
processing is in terms of meaningful quantities.

What is Thought? (MIT Press, 2004) discusses this, in Chap 14 which 
answers most questions about consciousness IMO.

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