John G. Rose wrote:
From: Richard Loosemore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I completed the first draft of a technical paper on consciousness the
other day.   It is intended for the AGI-09 conference, and it can be
found at:

Ummmmm... this is a model of consciousness. One way of looking at it.
Whether or not it is comprehensive enough, not sure, this irreducible
indeterminacy. But after reading the paper a couple times I get what you are
trying to describe. It's part of an essence of consciousness but not sure if
it enough.

But did you notice that the paper argued that if you think on the base level, you would have to have that feeling that, as you put it, "...It's part of an essence of consciousness but not sure if it enough."?

The question is: does the explanation seem consistent with an explanation of your feeling that it might not be enough of an explanation?

Richard Loosemore

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