RL:So, to clarify:  yes, it is perfectly true that the very low level
perceptual and motor systems use simple coding techniques.  We have
known for decades (since Hubel and Weisel) that retinal ganglion cells
use simple coding schemes, etc etc.But the issue I was discussing was about the times when neuroscientists
make statements about high level concepts and the processing of those
concepts. ..it is very difficult to
see how single neurons (or multiple redundant sets of neurons) could
carry out those functions.

Well, why is it so discredited? At base, don't concepts like "tree","ball" etc. have to be represented by basically the same images as dealt with by the perceptual and motor systems - i.e. the sounds and letters of the words, "tree" and "ball"? Of course, each, when used, may involve a whole additional complex of often shifting associated concepts and images. But doesn't the same base image, or cluster of images, have to be used each time when we use those words? And couldn't that be neuronally locatable?

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