>My question is: how do they know your vegetable association?
And if I told you that if you didn't answer "CARROT", odds are you
choose "CELERY"?

Associating the result experiment with the math questions is the only
association taking place here. It's caused by the distracting
suggestion on the title ""Freaky Math Trick".

What is going on is averaging. It's a well kown fact used in the
mentalism community that most english speaking people when asked to
the first thing that comes into their mind when you say; 'vegetable'
will say 'carrot', if not they will say 'celery'.
These are other known facts:
- when asked to name a single digit number, most peoplewill pick 7.
- when asked to name a 2 digit odd number under 50, with no two digits
the same, most people will pick 37.
- when asked to pick a 2 digit even number between 50 and 99, with no
two digits the same,most people will pick 68.

Try this experiment: repeat the same procedure of the video, but
instead of asking for a vegetable, ask for an 'an animal that lives in
the jungle'. Most people will answer 'Lion' even though lions don't
live in the jungle.

The sequence math questions are used just to habituate people to a
simple pattern questions, to clear their minds of any other thing they
may be thinking of and allows the averaging to work. You coul use any
other simple sequence for that.

Now, why people on average choose those answers is a whole other story


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