

If you were referring to the following post as the source of an appropriate
filter for what should and should not be considered an appropriate question
I think you picked the wrong source.



oh yes, there are indeed stupid questions...

e.g. what is essence of time? what is the nature of consciousness? where
does the now go?  we would do such an incredibly positive service to the
next generation if we could convince them early on of the stupidity of
nonsensical sentence structuring... for anyone still not finished with
wittgenstein's final works, the answer to all the above is the japanese word
'mu' (question is a false construction based on ignorance), or explicitly:
time is a made up name one gives to cycles of the sun, decaying particles,
etc. there is no essence, just a naming convention; consciousness is a made
up name for a subjective set of behaviors given a set of stimuli, different
for each questioner; the now can't go anywhere just like a river can't stop
flowing since it would cease to be called a river...   


# posted by observer 2.0 @ 04:23


It implies it is pointless to ask what the essence of time is, but then
proceeds to give an explanation of time that is not pointless, and may shed
light on its meaning, which is perhaps as much of an essence as time has..


Similarly, it implies it is pointless to ask what is the nature of
consciousness, and then gives an explanation, that while not necessarily
correct, or even close to complete, has some meaning about the nature of
what we call consciousness.


It is not clear that either of the above two questions fall within the above
quote's definition of "mu".


Even questions that more clearly fall within the meaning of "mu," such as
"what is the sound of one hand clapping," can have some value for providing
an example of "mu" and warning us of the types of trick language can play on


Ed Porter


-----Original Message-----
From: Tudor Boloni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:36 AM
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Subject: [agi] who is going to build the wittgenstein-ian AI filter to spot
all the intellectual nonsense


we invariably generate and then fruitlessly explore (our field is even more
exposed to this than most others) until we come up against the limits of our
own language, and defeated and fatigued realize we never thought the
questions through. i nominate this guy:




at a minimum wittgenstein's Brown Book should be required reading for all
AGI list members




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