fMRI scanner reconstructing images seen by subjects, etc
copied below - Anyone read the actual article in "Neuron"?

Images read from human brain
The Yomiuri Shimbun

OSAKA--In a world first, a research group in Kyoto Prefecture has succeeded in 
processing and displaying optically received images directly from the human 

The group of researchers at Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute 
International, including Yukiyasu Kamitani and Yoichi Miyawaki, from its 
NeuroInformatics Department, said about 100 million images can be read, adding 
that dreams as well as mental images are likely to be visualized in the future 
in the same manner. 

The research will be published Thursday in the U.S. scientific journal 

Optically received images are converted to electrical signals in the retina and 
treated in the brain's visual cortex. 

In the recent experiment, the research group asked two people to look at 440 
different still images one by one on a 100-pixel screen. Each of the images 
comprised random gray sections and flashing sections. 

The research group measured subtle differences in brain activity patterns in 
the visual cortexes of the two people with a functional magnetic resonance 
imaging (fMRI) scanner. They then subdivided the images and recorded the 
subjects' recognition patterns. 

The research group later measured the visual cortexes of the two people who 
were looking at the word "neuron" and five geometric figures such as a square 
and a cross. Based on the stored brain patterns, the research group analyzed 
the brain activities and reconstructed the images of Roman letters and other 
figures, succeeding in recreating optically received images. 

(Dec. 11, 2008)

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