
On 12/11/08, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
> > There isn't much that an MIMD machine can do better than a similar-sized
> > SIMD machine.
> Hey, that's just not true.
> There are loads of math theorems disproving this assertion...

Oops, I left out the presumed adjective "real-world". Of course there are
countless diophantine equations and other math trivia that aren't

However, anything resembling a brain in that the process can be done by
billions of slow components must by its very nature vectorizable. Hence, in
the domain of our discussions, I think my statement still holds

> >> OO and generic design patterns do buy you *something* ...
> >
> >
> > OO is often impossible to vectorize.
> The point is that we've used OO design to wrap up all
> processor-intensive code inside specific objects, which could then be
> rewritten to be vector-processing friendly...

As long as the OO is at a high enough level so as not to gobble up a bunch
of time in the SISD control processor, then no problem.

> There is an 80-core chip due out any time now. Intel has had BIG problems
> > finding anything to run on them, so I suspect that they would be more
> than
> > glad to give you a few if you promise to do something with them.
> Indeed, AGI and physics simulation may be two of the app areas that have
> the easiest times making use of these 80-core chips...

I don't think Intel is even looking at these. They are targeting embedded

Steve Richfield

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