2008/12/29 Matt Mahoney <matmaho...@yahoo.com>:
> Please remember that I am not proposing compression as a solution to the AGI 
> problem. I am proposing it as a measure of progress in an important component 
> (prediction).

Then why not cut out the middleman and measure prediction directly?
I.e. put the prediction program in a test harness, feed it chunks one
at a time, ask it what the next value in the sequence will be, tell it
what the actual answer was, etc. The program's score is then simply
the number it got right divided by the number of predictions it had to

Turning a prediction program into a compression program requires
superfluous extra work: you have to invent an efficient file format to
hold compressed data, and you have to write a decompression program as
well as a compressor.

Furthermore there are bound to be programs that're good at compression
but not good at prediction. Whereas all programs that're good at
prediction are guaranteed to be good at prediction.

Philip Hunt, <cabala...@googlemail.com>
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