For visual perception, there are many reasons to think that a hierarchical
architecture can be effective... this is one of the things you may find in
dealing with real visual data but not with these toy examples...

E.g. in a spatiotemporal predictive hierarchy, the idea would be to create a
predictive module (using an Occam heuristic, as you suggest) corresponding
to each of a host of observed spatiotemporal regions, with modules
corresponding to larger regions occurring higher up in the hierarchy...


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 10:09 AM, David Jones <> wrote:

> Thanks Ben,
> Right, explanatory reasoning not new at all (also called abduction and
> inference to the best explanation). But, what seems to be elusive is a
> precise and algorithm method for implementing explanatory reasoning and
> solving real problems, such as sensory perception. This is what I'm hoping
> to solve. The theory has been there a while... How to effectively implement
> it in a general way though, as far as I can tell, has never been solved.
> Dave
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I certainly agree with this method, but of course it's not original at
>> all, it's pretty much the basis of algorithmic learning theory, right?
>> Hutter's AIXI for instance works [very roughly speaking] by choosing the
>> most compact program that, based on historical data, would have yielded
>> maximum reward
>> So yeah, this is the right idea... and your simple examples of it are
>> nice...
>> Eric Baum's whole book "What Is thought" is sort of an explanation of this
>> idea in a human biology and psychology and AI context ;)
>> ben
>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 1:31 AM, David Jones <>wrote:
>>> A method for comparing hypotheses in explanatory-based reasoning: *
>>> We prefer the hypothesis or explanation that ***expects* more
>>> observations. If both explanations expect the same observations, then the
>>> simpler of the two is preferred (because the unnecessary terms of the more
>>> complicated explanation do not add to the predictive power).*
>>> *Why are expected events so important?* They are a measure of 1)
>>> explanatory power and 2) predictive power. The more predictive and the more
>>> explanatory a hypothesis is, the more likely the hypothesis is when compared
>>> to a competing hypothesis.
>>> Here are two case studies I've been analyzing from sensory perception of
>>> simplified visual input:
>>> The goal of the case studies is to answer the following: How do you
>>> generate the most likely motion hypothesis in a way that is general and
>>> applicable to AGI?
>>> *Case Study 1)* Here is a link to an example: animated gif of two black
>>> squares move from left to 
>>> right<>.
>>> *Description: *Two black squares are moving in unison from left to right
>>> across a white screen. In each frame the black squares shift to the right so
>>> that square 1 steals square 2's original position and square two moves an
>>> equal distance to the right.
>>> *Case Study 2) *Here is a link to an example: the interrupted 
>>> square<>.
>>> *Description:* A single square is moving from left to right. Suddenly in
>>> the third frame, a single black square is added in the middle of the
>>> expected path of the original black square. This second square just stays
>>> there. So, what happened? Did the square moving from left to right keep
>>> moving? Or did it stop and then another square suddenly appeared and moved
>>> from left to right?
>>> *Here is a simplified version of how we solve case study 1:
>>> *The important hypotheses to consider are:
>>> 1) the square from frame 1 of the video that has a very close position to
>>> the square from frame 2 should be matched (we hypothesize that they are the
>>> same square and that any difference in position is motion).  So, what
>>> happens is that in each two frames of the video, we only match one square.
>>> The other square goes unmatched.
>>> 2) We do the same thing as in hypothesis #1, but this time we also match
>>> the remaining squares and hypothesize motion as follows: the first square
>>> jumps over the second square from left to right. We hypothesize that this
>>> happens over and over in each frame of the video. Square 2 stops and square
>>> 1 jumps over it.... over and over again.
>>> 3) We hypothesize that both squares move to the right in unison. This is
>>> the correct hypothesis.
>>> So, why should we prefer the correct hypothesis, #3 over the other two?
>>> Well, first of all, #3 is correct because it has the most explanatory
>>> power of the three and is the simplest of the three. Simpler is better
>>> because, with the given evidence and information, there is no reason to
>>> desire a more complicated hypothesis such as #2.
>>> So, the answer to the question is because explanation #3 expects the most
>>> observations, such as:
>>> 1) the consistent relative positions of the squares in each frame are
>>> expected.
>>> 2) It also expects their new positions in each from based on velocity
>>> calculations.
>>> 3) It expects both squares to occur in each frame.
>>> Explanation 1 ignores 1 square from each frame of the video, because it
>>> can't match it. Hypothesis #1 doesn't have a reason for why the a new square
>>> appears in each frame and why one disappears. It doesn't expect these
>>> observations. In fact, explanation 1 doesn't expect anything that happens
>>> because something new happens in each frame, which doesn't give it a chance
>>> to confirm its hypotheses in subsequent frames.
>>> The power of this method is immediately clear. It is general and it
>>> solves the problem very cleanly.
>>> *Here is a simplified version of how we solve case study 2:*
>>> We expect the original square to move at a similar velocity from left to
>>> right because we hypothesized that it did move from left to right and we
>>> calculated its velocity. If this expectation is confirmed, then it is more
>>> likely than saying that the square suddenly stopped and another started
>>> moving. Such a change would be unexpected and such a conclusion would be
>>> unjustifiable.
>>> I also believe that explanations which generate fewer incorrect
>>> expectations should be preferred over those that more incorrect
>>> expectations.
>>> The idea I came up with earlier this month regarding high frame rates to
>>> reduce uncertainty is still applicable. It is important that all generated
>>> hypotheses have as low uncertainty as possible given our constraints and
>>> resources available.
>>> I thought I'd share my progress with you all. I'll be testing the ideas
>>> on test cases such as the ones I mentioned in the coming days and weeks.
>>> Dave
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>> --
>> Ben Goertzel, PhD
>> CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
>> CTO, Genescient Corp
>> Vice Chairman, Humanity+
>> Advisor, Singularity University and Singularity Institute
>> External Research Professor, Xiamen University, China
>> "
>> “When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at
>> his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.
>> Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was
>> not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
CTO, Genescient Corp
Vice Chairman, Humanity+
Advisor, Singularity University and Singularity Institute
External Research Professor, Xiamen University, China

“When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at
his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.
Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was
not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

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