

What I was trying to express by the word *expect* is NOT predict [some exact
outcome]. Expect means that the algorithm has a way of comparing
observations to what the algorithm considers to be consistent with an
"explanation". This is something I struggled to solve for a long time
regarding explanatory reasoning.


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Mike Tintner <>wrote:

>  Jim :This illustrates one of the things wrong with the
> dreary instantiations of the prevailing mind set of a group.  It is only a
> matter of time until you discover (through experiment) how absurd it is to
> celebrate the triumph of an overly simplistic solution to a problem that is,
> by its very potential, full of possibilities]
> To put it more succinctly, Dave & Ben & Hutter are doing the wrong subject
> - narrow AI.  Looking for the one right prediction/ explanation is narrow
> AI. Being able to generate more and more possible explanations, wh. could
> all be valid,  is AGI.  The former is rational, uniform thinking. The latter
> is creative, polyform thinking. Or, if you prefer, it's convergent vs
> divergent thinking, the difference between wh. still seems to escape Dave &
> Ben & most AGI-ers.
> Consider a real world application - a footballer, Maradona, is dribbling
> with the ball - you don't/can't predict where he's going next, you have to
> be ready for various directions, including the possibility that he is going
> to do something surprising and new   - even if you have to commit yourself
> to anticipating a particular direction. Ditto if you're trying to predict
> the path of an animal prey.
> Dealing only with the "predictable" as most do, is perhaps what Jim is
> getting at - predictable. And wrong for AGI. It's your capacity to deal
> with the open, unpredictable, real world that signifies you are an AGI -
> not the same old, closed predictable, artificial world. When will you have
> the courage to face this?

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