
you are mixing multiple issues. Just like my analogy of the rubix cube, full
AGI problems involve many problems at the same time. The problem I wrote
this email about was not about how to solve them all at the same time. It
was about how to solve one of those problems. After solving the problem
satisfactorily for all test cases at a given complexity level, I intend to
incrementally add complexity and then continue to solve the problems I run
into. Your proposed "AGI problem" is a combination of sensory
interpretation, planning, plan/action execution, behavior learning, etc,
etc. You would do well to learn from my approach and break the problem down
into its separate pieces. You would be a fool to implement such a system
without a good understanding of the sub problems. If you break it down and
figure out how to solve each piece individually, while anticipating the end
goal, you would have a much better understanding and have fewer problems as
you develop the system because of your experience. You are philosophizing
about the right way, but your approach is completely theoretical and
completely void of any practical considerations. Why don't you try your
method, I'll try mine, and in a few years, let's see how far we get. I
suspect you'll have a very nice pong playing program that can't do anything
else. I on the other hand would have a full fledged theoretical foundation
and implementation on increasingly complex environments. At that point, the
proof of concept would be sufficient to gain significant support. While your
approach would likely be another narrow approach that can play a single
game. Why? because you're trying to juggle too many separate problems that
individual study. By lumping them altogether and not carefully considering
each, you will not solve them well. You will be spread too thin.


On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 7:33 PM, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:

>  Oh well that settles it...
> How do you know then when the opponent has changed his tactics?
> How do you know when he's switched from a predominantly baseline game say
> to a net-rushing game?
> And how do you know when the market has changed from bull to bear or vice
> versa, and I can start going short or long? Why is there any difference
> between the tennis & market situations?

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