Ian, Travis, etc.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 6:42 AM, Ian Parker <ianpark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 27 June 2010 22:21, Travis Lenting <travlent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think crime has to be made impossible even for an enhanced humans first.
> If our enhancement was Internet based it could be turned off if we were
> about to commit a crime. You really should have said "unenhanced" humans. If
> my conversation (see above) was about jihad and terrorism AI would provide a
> route for the security services. I think you are muddled here.

Anyone who could suggest making crime impossible, anyone who could respond
to such nonsense other than pointing out that it is nonsense, is SO far
removed from reality that it is hard to imagine that they function in
society. Here are some points for those who don't see this as obvious:
1.  Much/most "crime" is committed by people who see little/no other
"rational" choice.
2.  Crime is a state of mind. Almost any act would be reasonable under SOME
bizarre circumstances perceived by the perpetrator. It isn't the actions,
but rather the THOUGHT that makes it a crime.
3.  Courts are there to decide complex issues like necessity (e.g. self
defense or defense of others), understanding (e.g. mental competence), and
the myriad other issues needed to establish a particular act as a crime.
4.  Crimes are defined through a legislative process, by "the best
government that money can buy". This would simply consign everything (and
everyone) to the wealthy people who have bought the government. Prepare for
5.  Our world is already so over-constrained that it is IMPOSSIBLE to live
without violating any laws.

Is the proposal to make impossible anything that could conceivably be
construed as a crime, or to make impossible anything that couldn't be
construed as anything but a crime? Even these two extremes would have
significant implementation problems.

Anyway, I am sending you two back to kindergarten.


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