Just off the cuff here - isn't the same true for vision? You can't learn vision 
from vision. Just as all NLP has no connection with the real world, and totally 
relies on the human programmer's knowledge of that world. 

Your visual program actually relies totally on your visual "vocabulary" - not 
its own. That is the inevitable penalty of processing unreal signals on a 
computer screen which are not in fact connected to the real world any more than 
the verbal/letter signals involved in NLP are.

What you need to do - what anyone in your situation with anything like your 
asprations needs to do - is to hook up with a roboticist. Everyone here should 
be doing that.

From: David Jones 
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 5:27 PM
To: agi 
Subject: Re: [agi] A Primary Distinction for an AGI

You can't learn language from language without embedding way more knowledge 
than is reasonable. Language does not contain the information required for its 
interpretation. There is no *reason* to interpret the language into any of the 
infinite possible interpretaions. There is nothing to explain but it requires 
explanatory reasoning to determine the correct real world interpretation

  On Jun 29, 2010 10:58 AM, "Matt Mahoney" <matmaho...@yahoo.com> wrote:

  David Jones wrote:
  > Natural language requires more than the words on the page in the real 
world. Of...

  Any knowledge that can be demonstrated over a text-only channel (as in the 
Turing test) can also be learned over a text-only channel.

  > Cyc also is trying to store knowledge about a super complicated world in 
simplistic forms and al...

  Cyc failed because it lacks natural language. The vast knowledge store of the 
internet is unintelligible to Cyc. The average person can't use it because they 
don't speak Cycl and because they have neither the ability nor the patience to 
translate their implicit thoughts into augmented first order logic. Cyc's 
approach was understandable when they started in 1984 when they had neither the 
internet nor the vast computing power that is required to learn natural 
language from unlabeled examples like children do.

  > Vision and other sensory interpretaion, on the other hand, do not require 
more info because that...

  Without natural language, your system will fail too. You don't have enough 
computing power to learn language, much less the million times more computing 
power you need to learn to see.

  -- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

  From: David Jones <davidher...@gmail.com>
  To: agi <a...@v2.listbox.c...

  Sent: Mon, June 28, 2010 9:28:57 PM 

  Subject: Re: [agi] A Primary Distinction for an AGI

  Natural language requires more than the words on the page in the real world. 
Of course that didn't ...

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