The point I was trying to make is that an approach that tries to interpret
language just using language itself and without sufficient information or
the means to realistically acquire that information, *should* fail.

On the other hand, an approach that tries to interpret vision with minimal
upfront knowledge needs *should* succeed because the knowledge required to
automatically learn to interpret images is amenable to preprogramming. In
addition, such knowledge must be pre-programmed. The knowledge for
interpreting language though should not be pre-programmed.


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Matt Mahoney <> wrote:

> David Jones wrote:
> > I wish people understood this better.
> For example, animals can be intelligent even though they lack language
> because they can see. True, but an AGI with language skills is more useful
> than one without.
> And yes, I realize that language, vision, motor skills, hearing, and all
> the other senses and outputs are tied together. Skills in any area make
> learning the others easier.
> -- Matt Mahoney,
> ------------------------------
> *From:* David Jones <>
> *To:* agi <>
> *Sent:* Tue, June 29, 2010 1:42:51 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [agi] A Primary Distinction for an AGI
> Mike,
> THIS is the flawed reasoning that causes people to ignore vision as the
> right way to create AGI. And I've finally come up with a great way to show
> you how wrong this reasoning is.
> I'll give you an extremely obvious argument that proves that vision
> requires much less knowledge to interpret than language does. Let's say that
> you have never been to egypt, you have never seen some particular movie
> before.  But if you see the movie, an alien landscape, an alien world, a new
> place or any such new visual experience, you can immediately interpret it in
> terms of spacial, temporal, compositional and other relationships.
> Now, go to egypt and listen to them speak. Can you interpret it? Nope.
> Why?! Because you don't have enough information. The language itself does
> not contain any information to help you interpret it. We do not learn
> language simply by listening. We learn based on evidence from how the
> language is used and how it occurs in our daily lives. Without that
> experience, you cannot interpret it.
> But with vision, you do not need extra knowledge to interpret a new
> situation. You can recognize completely new objects without any training
> except for simply observing them in their natural state.
> I wish people understood this better.
> Dave
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Mike Tintner 
> <>wrote:
>>  Just off the cuff here - isn't the same true for vision? You can't learn
>> vision from vision. Just as all NLP has no connection with the real world,
>> and totally relies on the human programmer's knowledge of that world.
>> Your visual program actually relies totally on your visual "vocabulary" -
>> not its own. That is the inevitable penalty of processing unreal signals on
>> a computer screen which are not in fact connected to the real world any more
>> than the verbal/letter signals involved in NLP are.
>> What you need to do - what anyone in your situation with anything like
>> your asprations needs to do - is to hook up with a roboticist. Everyone here
>> should be doing that.
>>  *From:* David Jones <>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 29, 2010 5:27 PM
>> *To:* agi <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [agi] A Primary Distinction for an AGI
>> You can't learn language from language without embedding way more
>> knowledge than is reasonable. Language does not contain the information
>> required for its interpretation. There is no *reason* to interpret the
>> language into any of the infinite possible interpretaions. There is nothing
>> to explain but it requires explanatory reasoning to determine the correct
>> real world interpretation
>> On Jun 29, 2010 10:58 AM, "Matt Mahoney" <> wrote:
>>  David Jones wrote:
>> > Natural language requires more than the words on the page in the real
>> world. Of...
>> Any knowledge that can be demonstrated over a text-only channel (as in the
>> Turing test) can also be learned over a text-only channel.
>> > Cyc also is trying to store knowledge about a super complicated world in
>> simplistic forms and al...
>> Cyc failed because it lacks natural language. The vast knowledge store of
>> the internet is unintelligible to Cyc. The average person can't use it
>> because they don't speak Cycl and because they have neither the ability nor
>> the patience to translate their implicit thoughts into augmented first order
>> logic. Cyc's approach was understandable when they started in 1984 when they
>> had neither the internet nor the vast computing power that is required to
>> learn natural language from unlabeled examples like children do.
>> > Vision and other sensory interpretaion, on the other hand, do not
>> require more info because that...
>> Without natural language, your system will fail too. You don't have enough
>> computing power to learn language, much less the million times more
>> computing power you need to learn to see.
>> -- Matt Mahoney,
>>  ________________________________
>> From: David Jones <>
>> To: agi <a...@v2.listbox.c...
>> *Sent:* Mon, June 28, 2010 9:28:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: [agi] A Primary Distinction for an AGI
>> Natural language requires more than the words on the page in the real
>> world. Of course that didn't ...
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