Jim, to address all of your points,

Solomonoff induction claims that the probability of a string is proportional to 
the number of programs that output the string, where each program M is weighted 
by 2^-|M|. The probability is dominated by the shortest program (Kolmogorov 
complexity), but it is not exactly the same. The difference is small enough 
that we may neglect it, just as we neglect differences that depend on choice of 

Here is the proof that Kolmogorov complexity is not computable. Suppose it 
were. Then I could test the Kolmogorov complexity of strings in increasing 
order of length (breaking ties lexicographically) and describe "the first 
string that cannot be described in less than a million bits", contradicting the 
fact that I just did. (Formally, I could write a program that outputs the first 
string whose Kolmogorov complexity is at least n bits, choosing n to be larger 
than my program).

Here is the argument that Occam's Razor and Solomonoff distribution must be 
true. Consider all possible probability distributions p(x) over any infinite 
set X of possible finite strings x, i.e. any X = {x: p(x) > 0} that is 
infinite. All such distributions must favor shorter strings over longer ones. 
Consider any x in X. Then p(x) > 0. There can be at most a finite number (less 
than 1/p(x)) of strings that are more likely than x, and therefore an infinite 
number of strings which are less likely than x. Of this infinite set, only a 
finite number (less than 2^|x|) can be shorter than x, and therefore there must 
be an infinite number that are longer than x. So for each x we can partition X 
into 4 subsets as follows:

- shorter and more likely than x: finite
- shorter and less likely than x: finite
- longer and more likely than x: finite
- longer and less likely than x: infinite.

So in this sense, any distribution over the set of strings must favor shorter 
strings over longer ones.

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

From: Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com>
To: agi <agi@v2.listbox.com>
Sent: Fri, July 2, 2010 4:09:38 PM
Subject: Re: [agi] Re: Huge Progress on the Core of AGI

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Jim Bromer <jimbro...@gmail.com> wrote:  
There cannot be a one to one correspondence to the representation of the 
shortest program to produce a string and the strings that they produce.  This 
means that if the consideration of the hypotheses were to be put into general 
mathematical form it must include the potential of many to one relations 
between candidate programs (or subprograms) and output strings.
But, there is also no way to determine what the "shortest" program is, since 
there may be different programs that are the same length.  That means that 
there is a many to one relation between programs and program "length".  So the 
claim that you could just iterate through programs by length is false.  This is 
the goal of algorithmic information theory not a premise of a methodology that 
can be used.  So you have the diagonalization problem. 
A counter argument is that there are only a finite number of Turing Machine 
programs of a given length.  However, since you guys have specifically 
designated that this theorem applies to any construction of a Turing Machine it 
is not clear that this counter argument can be used.  And there is still the 
specific problem that you might want to try a program that writes a longer 
program to output a string (or many strings).  Or you might want to write a 
program that can be called to write longer programs on a dynamic basis.  I 
think these cases, where you might consider a program that outputs a longer 
program, (or another instruction string for another Turing Machine) constitutes 
a serious problem, that at the least, deserves to be answered with sound 
Part of my original intuitive argument, that I formed some years ago, was that 
without a heavy constraint on the instructions for the program, it will be 
practically impossible to test or declare that some program is indeed the 
shortest program.  However, I can't quite get to the point now that I can say 
that there is definitely a diagonalization problem.
Jim Bromer

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