The think the biggest thing to remember here is that general AI could be
applied to many different problems in parallel by many different people.
They would help with many aspects of the problem solving process, not just a
single one and certainly not just applied to a single experiment/study.

I'm confident that Ben is aware of this....

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Bob Mottram <> wrote:

> On 10 August 2010 16:44, Ben Goertzel <> wrote:
> > I'm writing an article on the topic for H+ Magazine, which will appear in
> the next couple weeks ... I'll post a link to it when it appears
> >
> > I'm not advocating applying AI in the absence of new experiments of
> course.  I've been working closely with Genescient, applying AI tech to
> analyze the genomics of their long-lived superflies, so part of my message
> is about the virtuous cycle achievable via synergizing AI data analysis with
> carefully-designed experimental evolution of model organisms...
> Probably if I was going to apply AI in a medical context I'd
> prioritize those conditions which are both common and either fatal or
> have a severe impact on quality of life.  Also worthwhile would be
> using AI to try to discover drugs which have an equivalent effect to
> existing known ones but can be manufactured at a significantly lower
> cost, such that they are brought within the means of a larger fraction
> of the population.  Investigating aging is perfectly legitimate, but
> if you're trying to maximize your personal utility I'd regard it as a
> low priority compared to other more urgent medical issues which cause
> premature deaths.
> Also in the endeavor to extend life we need not focus entirely upon
> medical aspects.  The organizational problems of delivering known
> medications on a large scale is also a problem which AI could perhaps
> be used to optimize.  The way in which things like this are currently
> organized seems to be based upon some combination of tradition and
> intuitive hunches, so there may be low hanging fruit to be obtained
> here.  For example, if an epidemic breaks out, why should you
> vaccinate first?  If you have access to a social graph (from Facebook,
> or wherever) it's probably possible to calculate an optimal strategy.
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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