Just two quick comments. CCTV is already networked, the Police can track
smoothly from one camera to another. Second comment is that if you (say)
taking a heavy load upstairs you need 2 robots one holding each end. A
single PC can control them both. In fact a robot workshop will be a kind of
"cloud", in terms of "cloud" computing.

  - Ian Parker

On 12 August 2010 05:46, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:

> I wasn't meaning to portray pessimism.
> And that little sucker probably couldn't pick up a knife.... yet.
> But this is a paradigm change happening where we will have many networked
> mechanical entities. This opens up a whole new world of security and privacy
> issues...
> John
> *From:* David Jones [mailto:davidher...@gmail.com]
> Way too pessimistic in my opinion.
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 7:06 PM, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com>
> wrote:
> Aww, so cute.
> I wonder if it has a Wi-Fi connection, DHCP's an IP address, and relays
> sensory information back to the main servers with all the other Nao's all
> collecting personal data in a massive multi-agent geo-distributed
> robo-network.
> So cuddly!
> And I wonder if it receives and executes commands, commands that come in
> over the network from whatever interested corporation or government pays the
> most for access.
> Such a sweet little friendly Nao. Everyone should get one :)
> John
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