On 15:24 Sun 30 Mar     , Ed Murphy wrote:
> Iammars wrote:
> > I initiate a criminal case on pihkq for misrepresenting Agora on the
> > Nomic Wiki by failing to include my name in the players list.
> > I initiate a criminal case on pihkq for neglecting his duty to update
> > the Nomic Wiki page in the month of February. At that time the page not
> > only included an incorrect playerlist, but also wrote that many jobs
> > were empty, which were filled by the end of January.
> > I request linked assignment for the above cases.
> > -----
> > http://www.nomic.net/~nomicwiki/index.php/Agora
> > -----
> > Rule 2135/2 (Power=1)
> pikhq, you are hereby informed of these criminal cases and invited to
> rebut the argument against your guilt.

Guilty as charged.

However, I would like to be a bit of a bitch:
I disqualify Agora Nomic from this case.

(Agora Nomic, by rule 2145, is a partnership, and therefore a
person. I can disqualify any person I damned well want to. Have fun
judging this one!)

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