On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Alexander Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I initiate a criminal case against comex for violating rule 2185
> by failing to assign a judgement to an open and applicable judicial
> question of CFJ 1996 as soon as possible.
> I initiate a criminal case against comex for violating rule 2185
> by failing to assign a judgement to an open and applicable judicial
> question of CFJ 2006 as soon as possible.

Well, sheesh!  I've had finals for a week and I go and forget about
some CFJs, and you initiate a criminal case?  I think the CFJs might
be equally quickly resolved if you, y'know, just reminded me about

I recuse myself from CFJ 2006.  CFJ 1996 is more interesting, and I
will post a judgement on it soon.

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