On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 11:25 -0500, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> I judge CFJs 2276-78 TRUE.
> None of the purported attempts to resolve the Agoran Decisions to
> adopt the proposals in question contained an accurate tally of the
> valid ballots cast, and thus they all fail to meet R208's requirements
> to resolve those decisions.
> R2156 defines a player's voting limit on an ordinary decision as eir
> caste at the start of its voting period.  At the beginning of the
> voting periods in question, ehird's caste was epsilon, and thus eir
> voting limit was 1/2 for being in the chokey, rounded up to 1. Any
> purported spending of notes to increase eir voting limit on these
> decisions may or may not have instantaneously increased it at the
> moment of spending, but evaluated at the end of the voting period or
> the time of resolution the R2156 definition must be used.

I intend to appeal this with 2 support. Increasing a player's voting
limit on a decision causes it to be higher than it otherwise would have
been. Eir voting limit was 1, increased by 50 (or however many it was, I
can't remember offhand).

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