On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Alex Smith <ais...@bham.ac.uk> wrote:

> There is one puzzle this week, "Mystery Hats" by Yally:
> On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 10:21 -0500, Aaron Goldfein wrote:
> > The text for the puzzle is as follows. Three men are playing a game.
> > In this game, each of them is wearing a hat that is either yellow or
> > blue. There are a total of three yellow hats and two blue hats, and
> > the three men know this. After a hat is given to each of the men, the
> > other two are discarded so that nobody knows what color they are. The
> > men sit in order such that the man in the back can see the hats of the
> > two men in front of him, the man in the middle can see the hat of the
> > one man in front of him, and the man in the front can see no hats. No
> > man can see his own hat. Starting with the man in the back, the
> > contestmaster asks what color hat he is wearing. The man in the back
> > says he does not know. The contestmaster then asks the man in the
> > middle what color hat he is wearing. The man in the middle says he
> > does not know. Assuming that the two men answered truthfully and
> > correctly, what color hat must the man in the front be wearing?
> > Correct answers must include reasoning.
> Usual rules apply; you have one week from now to answer it. Good luck!
> --
> ais523
> Contestmaster, Enigma
CoE: I submitted a puzzle last week.


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