On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 16:09 -0700, Rodlen wrote:
> CoE: I submitted a puzzle last week.

Ah yes, you did. (It was a long time ago...) Here is this week's /other/
Enigma puzzle, "Spam" by Rodlen:
Dear Friend , You made the right decision when you
signed up for our database ! We will comply with all
removal requests ! This mail is being sent in compliance
with Senate bill 1622 , Title 6 , Section 307 . Do
NOT confuse us with Internet scam artists . Why work
for somebody else when you can become rich inside 64
WEEKS ! Have you ever noticed nobody is getting any
younger and nearly every commercial on television has
a .com on in it . Well, now is your chance to capitalize
on this . WE will help YOU sell more & use credit cards
on your website . You can begin at absolutely no cost
to you ! But don't believe us . Mr Simpson of Idaho
tried us and says "My only problem now is where to
park all my cars" ! We are licensed to operate in all
states . You will blame yourself forever if you don't
order now . Sign up a friend and you get half off .
Cheers . Dear Cybercitizen , This letter was specially
selected to be sent to you . This is a one time mailing
there is no need to request removal if you won't want
any more ! This mail is being sent in compliance with
Senate bill 1627 ; Title 8 , Section 304 ! This is
a ligitimate business proposal . Why work for somebody
else when you can become rich as few as 10 WEEKS !
Have you ever noticed most everyone has a cellphone
and more people than ever are surfing the web ! Well,
now is your chance to capitalize on this . We will
help you increase customer response by 140% and sell
more ! You can begin at absolutely no cost to you .
But don't believe us ! Ms Simpson of California tried
us and says "Now I'm rich, Rich, RICH" ! We are licensed
to operate in all states ! Do not go to sleep without
ordering ! Sign up a friend and you get half off .
Thank-you for your serious consideration of our offer
! Dear Cybercitizen , This letter was specially selected
to be sent to you . If you no longer wish to receive
our publications simply reply with a Subject: of "REMOVE"
and you will immediately be removed from our directory
. This mail is being sent in compliance with Senate
bill 2516 ; Title 4 ; Section 309 ! This is not a get
rich scheme ! Why work for somebody else when you can
become rich within 96 WEEKS ! Have you ever noticed
how many people you know are on the Internet and how
long the line-ups are at bank machines ! Well, now
is your chance to capitalize on this ! We will help
you sell more & SELL MORE ! You are guaranteed to succeed
because we take all the risk . But don't believe us
. Mrs Simpson of Delaware tried us and says "My only
problem now is where to park all my cars" ! This offer
is 100% legal . We implore you - act now ! Sign up
a friend and you get half off ! God Bless !

Support Spam by mimicing it!  Haha!

You have one week; good luck everyone!

Contestmaster, Enigma

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