2009/6/21 Benjamin Caplan <celestialcognit...@gmail.com>:
> Taral wrote:
>> I sit up.
> I CFJ: Taral is sitting.
> Arguments: Immediately before the above-quoted message, Taral was
> standing. Does "I sit up" mean "I become sitting" or "I change my
> posture from supine/leaning to sitting"?
> If Taral intended to flip eir posture from standing to sitting, e would
> presumably have said "I sit down". Furthermore, considering context, it
> seems unlikely e would have become sitting if e had realized e was standing.

I favor this case and intend to deliver a good-of-the-game judgement.

"David slowed his pace slightly as his ears, unprotected after they
had all been husked, fell off of the wagon and into the gutter. He had
failed his simple task yet again. He stopped the wagon and sat there
with his head in his hands. 'I sure hope that my boss doesn't
decapitate me with an axe when he finds out,' he thought. His hopes
were unfounded."

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