Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> 2009/6/30 Sean Hunt <>:
>> Sean Hunt wrote:
>>> I intend, without party objection, to amend 3-Scroll Rodney as follows:
>>>  - Change the Frequency of the Scrolls of Concentration and
>>>    Hallucination to 0.12 each.
>>>  - Add a new scroll, the Scroll of Fire, with frequency 0.06. When read,
>>>    the Dungeon Master SHALL privately ask the reader for a player. The
>>>    Dungeon Master SHALL act as if the chosen player had read a Scroll of
>>>    Item Destruction upon receipt of the message.
>>> I intend, without 2 objections, to create a medal in 3-Scroll Rodney's
>>>  possession.
>>> -coppro
>> I award a bunch of people a bunch of random scrolls to fulfill my
>> obligations.
>> I do the quoted actions, starting a new Contest Period and destroying
>> those Scrolls. New Scroll awards forthcoming.
>> DM's Report:
>> No one has any Scrolls.
>> 3SR Status:
>> Parties to 3-Scroll Rodney
>> ais523
>> allispaul
>> BobTHJ
>> coppro
>> comex
>> c-walker
>> OscarMeyr
>> Pavitra
>> Quazie
>> Siege
>> Tiger
>> Yally
> CoE: I left all contests except AAA and Cookie Jar yesterday. Or
> whenever it was.
All right, Tiger is not a party.

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