comex wrote:

> I become Hanging.
> I call an inquiry case on the following statement, submitting it to
> the Justiciar and setting an Interest Index of 3:
> * 1 + 1 = 2
> As Justiciar, I accept this case and assign it the ID number 2617.
> I assign Tanner Swett as judge of CFJ 2617.
> I call an inquiry case on each of the following statements, submitting
> it to the Justiciar and setting an Interest Index of 3:
> * ais523 is party to at least one private contract containing the word
> "inferences".
> * Wooble is party to at least one private contract containing the word
> "inferences".
> As Justiciar, I accept these cases and assign them the ID numbers 2618
> and 2619, respectively.
> I rotate the bench.
> I assign ais523 as judge of CFJ 2618.
> I assign Wooble as judge of CFJ 2619.
> I become Hovering.

This rotation was apparently legal.  The standing judges were:

  allispaul  (rank 2)
  c.         (hanging)
  coppro     (rank 2)
  c-walker   (rank 1, hovering)
  ehird      (rank 1)
  Rodlen     (rank 1)
  Taral      (hovering, well-qualified for 2620, thus poorly
               qualified for 2618-19)

and cases other than 2618-19 were n/a because c. was not required to
assign a judge to them, I was.

Proposal:  No early rotation
(AI = 1.5, please)

Amend Rule 1871 (The Standing Court) by replacing this text:

      The CotC CAN rotate the bench (change all sitting players to
      standing) by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so unless there is a
      judicial case to which e is obliged to assign a judge, all
      entities qualified to be so assigned are poorly qualified, and e
      immediately afterwards (in the same announcement) assigns a
      judge to that case.

with this text:

      The CotC CAN rotate the bench (change all sitting players to
      standing) by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so unless, of the
      judicial cases requiring assignment:

        a) no entity is well-qualified to be assigned to any of them;

        b) e immediately afterwards (in the same announcement) assigns
           a judge to at least one of them.

I spend Ab to make the above proposal distributable.

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