> 6713  0   3.0  Murphy     Green    Eliminate past repetitive wins
> 6714  0   2.0  coppro     Purple   Fix Fix
> 6715  1   3.0  comex      Purple   Protect Trophies
> 6716  1   3.0  coppro     Purple   Dictatorship Scam
> 6717  1   3.0  coppro     Purple   Simplify Degrees
> 6718  1   2.0  coppro     Purple   Simplify NoVs
> 6719  1   2.0  coppro     Purple   Nonzero Fee Fix
> 6720  1   2.0  coppro     Purple   Coauthor Reward

If and only if I am a player, I vote AGAINST all of the above.


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