On Tue, 2012-03-27 at 16:58 +0100, FKA441344 wrote:
> Recent events (UTC)
> TIME              EVENT
> #######################
> Tue 28 Feb 17:39  ehird deregisters.

I judge CFJ 3164 GUILTY, pretty uncontroversially. Calculating a
reasonable punishment is harder, though, because ehird is currently a
non-player, and what e committed is (by definition) a very serious
breach of the rules, despite being an inconsequential one. DISCHARGE is
inappropriate; FINE is impossible as (from a quick search of the rules)
there are currently no finable assets (and especially none that could be
fined from non-players); EXILE seems a bit much because of the two-month
timeout, although I would definitely use it if the timeout were shorter;
TIME OUT would cause something impossible to happen (increasing the
value of a nonexistent timer). Giving COMMUNITY SERVICE or APOLOGY would
violate rule 101, as far as I can tell, due to harassing non-players.
Although I think I appropriately could give an exile judgement, that
would seem ridiculously harsh in the circumstances; whereas with timing
out, we'll at least have an interesting followup case. The duration
should be set high so it has some chance of overlapping with ehird being
a player, and to reflect the severity of the crime.

Thus, I judge CFJ 3164 GUILTY/TIME OUT 21.


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