I submit a proposal with adoption index 3, title {More Chamber Fixes} and text
 Amend Rule 1950 by replacing the text {The eligible voters} with
 {By default, the eligible voters}.
 Amend Rule 683 by adding at the start of the first paragraph the text
  An "eligible voter" on an agoran decision is an entity with a voting
  limit greater than zero on that decision.
 Amend Rule 879 by replacing the text
  eligible voters with a positive
  voting limit
  eligible voters

I submit an Aerocratic proposal with title {Speed Up} and text
 Amend Rule 2376 by replacing {Once per week} with {Twice per week}.
 If Rule 2376 contains the text {At the beginning of each month}, amend
 that rule by replacing that text with {At the beginning of each week}.

I submit a Plutocratic proposal with adoption index 2, title
{Gerontocratic Chamber}, and text
 Amend Rule 2357 by adding after the second paragraph the text
       Gerontocratic is a Voting Chamber. The eligible voters on a
       Gerontocratic Decision are those entities that were Elders at the
       start of its voting period.
  , and adding at the end the text
       * Any Elder CAN, with 2 Elder Support, set the Chamber of an entity
         to Gerontocratic

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