On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
> scshunt wrote:
> Rejected.  Proposal 7435 had 6 votes.
> CoE, accepted:  Proposal 7436 had 5 votes during the normal voting
> period, so it was extended and scshunt's votes were valid.
> I hereby resolve the decision on Proposal 7436 as follows:
> omd              4A
> Roujo            4P
> scshunt          4F
> Walker           4F
> Wes              4F
> woggle           4P
> AI                3
> VI                3
> F/A             12/4
> Quorum            6
> Voters            6
> Adopted.  Text of proposal:
> Proposal 7436 (AI=3, Ordinary) by scshunt
> De-persist commitments

I award myself and omd each Lime Ribbons.

> Amend Rule 2337 (Promises) by replacing "limited to persons" with
> "limited to players."

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