As Surveyor, it is my pleasure to annouce that the September estate auction, 
for the estate of Cagliostro, has begun.

For those of you who are new, please review Rule 2491 (“Estate Auctions”). In 

* Bids may only be placed by announcement.
* Players may bid on their own behalf, to win the Estate for themselves.
* Players may bid on behalf of any Organization whose charter makes such a bid 
Appropriate, to win the Estate for that Organization.

The auction will end in exactly seven days.

As is my custom, I pledge as follows:

* If there is exactly one winning bid, and it includes a blurb describing the 
region of Cagliostro, of at least 70 words, I will include that blurb in at 
least one future Surveyor’s report if it is possible for me to do so.

* If there is exactly one winning bid, I will pay Shinies to the player who 
made the bid. The amount paid will be the lesser of 10% the winning bid, 
rounded up, or 50 Shinies. I will do so immediately after resolving the auction.

I bid 1 Shiny on this auction.


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