I support.

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 12:15 PM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I become a candidate for rulekeepor as well.
> On 10/22/2017 7:12 PM, Alexis Hunt wrote:
>> INEFFECTIVE; you did not become a candidate.
>> I do so and become a candidate for Rulekeepor.
>> -Alexis
>> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 at 21:10 Aris Merchant
>> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     I do so.
>>     -Aris
>>     On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 6:08 PM, Reuben Staley
>>     <reuben.sta...@gmail.com <mailto:reuben.sta...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>      > I support.
>>      >
>>      > --
>>      > Trigon
>>      >
>>      > On Oct 22, 2017 7:07 PM, "Alexis Hunt" <aler...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:aler...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>      >>
>>      >> Ah, never mind, it has indeed been 14 days since the report was
>> last
>>      >> required to be published, meaning that this works without notice.
>>      >>
>>      >> I intend, with 2 support, to initiate an election for Rulekeepor.
>>      >>
>>      >> -Alexis
>>      >>
>>      >> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 at 21:00 Alexis Hunt <aler...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:aler...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>      >>>
>>      >>> I believe this is INEFFECTIVE as you did not intend to do so?
>>      >>>
>>      >>> On Sun, 22 Oct 2017 at 20:57 Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>      >>> <p.scribonius.scholasti...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:p.scribonius.scholasti...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> I deputise for he Rulekeepor to publish the below SLR:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Most Recent Ruleset Change Recorded:
>>      >>>>         Adoption of Proposal 7929, 22 October 2017
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Online documents:
>>      >>>> https://agoranomic.github.io/ruleset/slr.txt (SLR)
>>      >>>> https://agoranomic.github.io/ruleset/flr.txt (FLR)
>>      >>>> https://agoranomic.github.io/ruleset/ (HLR, not legally part of
>> my
>>      >>>>    report but always in sync with the other two)
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ======================================================================
>>      >>>> Agora
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 101/17 (Power=4)
>>      >>>> The Game of Agora
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Agora is a game of Nomic, wherein Persons, acting in
>>     accordance
>>      >>>>       with the Rules, communicate their game Actions and/or
>>     results of
>>      >>>>       these actions via Fora in order to play the game.  The
>>     game may
>>      >>>>       be won, but the game never ends.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Please treat Agora Right Good Forever.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1698/5 (Power=4)
>>      >>>> Agora Is A Nomic
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
>>      >>>> combination of
>>      >>>>       actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes to be
>>     made
>>      >>>> and/or
>>      >>>>       arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a four-week
>> period.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       If, but for this rule, the net effect of a proposal
>>     would cause
>>      >>>> Agora to
>>      >>>>       become ossified, or would cause Agora to cease to exist,
>>     it cannot
>>      >>>> take
>>      >>>>       effect, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.If any
>>     other single
>>      >>>> change
>>      >>>>       or inseperable group of changes to the gamestate would
>>     cause Agora
>>      >>>> to
>>      >>>>       become ossified, or would cause Agora to cease to exist,
>>     it is
>>      >>>> cancelled
>>      >>>>       and does not occur, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 478/34 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Fora
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Freedom of speech being essential for the healthy
>>     functioning of
>>      >>>>       any non-Imperial nomic, it is hereby resolved that no
>> Player
>>      >>>>       shall be prohibited from participating in the Fora, nor
>>     shall
>>      >>>>       any person create physical or technological obstacles that
>>      >>>>       unduly favor some players' fora access over others.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Publicity is a forum switch with values Public,
>>     Discussion, and
>>      >>>>       Foreign (default), tracked by the Registrar.  Changes to
>>      >>>>       publicity are secured.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar may change the publicity of a forum without
>>      >>>>       objection as long as:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. e sends eir announcement of intent to that forum; and
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. if the forum is to be made public, the announcement
>>     by which
>>      >>>>          the Registrar makes that forum public is sent to all
>>      >>>>          existing public fora.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Each player should ensure e can receive messages via
>>     each public
>>      >>>>       forum.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A public message is a message sent via a public forum,
>>     or sent
>>      >>>>       to all players and containing a clear designation of
>>     intent to
>>      >>>>       be public.  A rule can also designate that a part of one
>>     public
>>      >>>>       message is considered a public message in its own right. A
>>      >>>>       person "publishes" or "announces" something by sending a
>>     public
>>      >>>>       message.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Where the rules define an action that CAN be performed "by
>>      >>>>       announcement", a person performs that action by
>>     unambiguously
>>      >>>>       and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e
>>     performs
>>      >>>>       it.  Any action performed by sending a message is
>>     performed at
>>      >>>>       the time date-stamped on that message. Actions in messages
>>      >>>>       (including sub-messages) are performed in the order they
>>     appear
>>      >>>>       in the message, unless otherwise specified.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ======================================================================
>>      >>>> Players
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 869/40 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> How to Join and Leave Agora
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Any organism that is generally capable of freely
>>     originating and
>>      >>>>       communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a
>>     person.  Rules
>>      >>>>       to the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are
>>     persons.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Citizenship is a person switch with values Unregistered
>>      >>>>       (default) and Registered, tracked by the Registrar.
>> Changes to
>>      >>>>       citizenship are secured.  A registered person is a Player.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or prevented
>>     by the
>>      >>>>       rules) register by publishing a message that indicates
>>      >>>>       reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e
>>     intends
>>      >>>>       to become a player at that time.  A person, by
>> registering,
>>      >>>>       agrees to abide by the Rules.  The Rules CANNOT
>>     otherwise bind a
>>      >>>>       person to abide by any agreement without that person's
>>     willful
>>      >>>>       consent.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A player CAN deregister (cease being a player) by
>>     announcement.
>>      >>>>       If e does so, e CANNOT register by announcement for 30
>> days.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       If a player has not sent a message to a public forum in
>>     the last
>>      >>>>       month, then any player CAN deregister em without
>> objection.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Rules CANNOT compel non-players to act without their
>>     express
>>      >>>> or reasonably
>>      >>>>       implied consent. The rules CANNOT compel players to
>>     unduly harass
>>      >>>> non-players.
>>      >>>>       A non-person CANNOT be a player, rules to the contrary
>>      >>>> notwithstanding.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2139/10 (Power=2)
>>      >>>> The Registrar
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar is an office; its holder is responsible for
>>      >>>>       keeping track of players.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar's weekly report includes:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. A list of all players, including information
>>     sufficient to
>>      >>>>          identify and contact each player.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. The date on which each player most recently became a
>>     player.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. For each forum with non-Foreign publicity, sufficient
>>      >>>>          instructions for players to receive messages there.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar's monthly report includes:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. For each former player for which the information is
>>      >>>>          reasonably available, the dates on which e registered
>> and
>>      >>>>          deregistered.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       In the first week of every month the Registrar SHALL
>>     attempt to
>>      >>>>       deregister every player that has not sent a message to a
>>     public
>>      >>>>       forum in the preceding month.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar's duties and abilities also include:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       * Changing the publicity of a forum, as described in
>>     Rule 478.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       * Publishing Cantus Cygnei and Writs of FAGE as described
>> in
>>      >>>>         Rule 1789.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Registrar is also responsible for tracking any
>> switches,
>>      >>>> defined in a rule,
>>      >>>>       that would otherwise lack an officer to track them,
>>     unless the
>>      >>>> switch is
>>      >>>>       defined as untracked.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1789/9 (Power=2)
>>      >>>> Cantus Cygneus
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Whenever a Player feels that e has been treated so
>>     egregiously
>>      >>>>       by the Agoran community that e can no longer abide to be
>>     a part
>>      >>>>       of it, e may submit a document to the Registrar, clearly
>>     labeled
>>      >>>>       a Cantus Cygneus, detailing eir grievances and
>>     expressing eir
>>      >>>>       reproach for those who e feels have treated em so badly.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       In a timely fashion after receiving a Cantus Cygneus, the
>>      >>>>       Registrar shall publish this document along with a Writ of
>>      >>>>       Fugiendae Agorae Grandissima Exprobratione, commanding the
>>      >>>>       Player to be deregistered. The Registrar shall note the
>>     method
>>      >>>>       of deregistration for that Player in subsequent Registrar
>>      >>>>       Reports.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Player is deregistered as of the posting of the
>>     Writ, and
>>      >>>>       the notation in the Registrar's Report will ensure that,
>>      >>>>       henceforth, all may know said Player deregistered in a
>>     Writ of
>>      >>>>       FAGE.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ======================================================================
>>      >>>> Rules & Power
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2141/9 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Role and Attributes of Rules
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A rule is a type of instrument with the capacity to
>>     govern the
>>      >>>>       game generally, and is always taking effect.  A rule's
>>     content
>>      >>>>       takes the form of a text, and is unlimited in scope.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Every rule has power between 0.1 and 4.0 inclusive.  It is
>>      >>>>       not possible for a rule to have a power outside this
>> range.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Rules have ID numbers, to be assigned by the Rulekeepor.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Every rule shall have a title to aid in identification.
>> If a
>>      >>>>       rule ever does not have a title, the Rulekeepor SHALL
>>     assign a
>>      >>>>       title to it by announcement in a timely fashion.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       For the purposes of rules governing modification of
>>     instruments,
>>      >>>>       the text, power, ID number, and title of a rule are all
>>      >>>>       substantive aspects of the rule.  However, rules to the
>>     contrary
>>      >>>>       notwithstanding, the Rulekeepor CAN set rule aspects as
>>      >>>>       described elsewhere in this rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1688/8 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Power
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Power of an entity is a non-negative rational
>>     number.  An
>>      >>>>       Instrument is an entity with positive Power.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The Power of an entity cannot be set or modified except as
>>      >>>>       stipulated by the Rules.  All entities have Power zero
>>     except
>>      >>>>       where specifically allowed by the rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Power less than one is called Ephemeral power, and an
>>     instrument
>>      >>>>       with a power less than one is an Ephemeral instrument.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A Rule that makes a change, action, or value secured
>>     (hereafter
>>      >>>>       the securing Rule) thereby makes it IMPOSSIBLE to
>>     perform that
>>      >>>>       change or action, or to set or modify that value, except
>> as
>>      >>>>       allowed by an Instrument with Power greater than or
>>     equal to the
>>      >>>>       change's Power Threshold.  This Threshold defaults to the
>>      >>>>       securing Rule's Power, but CAN be lowered as allowed by
>> that
>>      >>>>       Rule (including by the Rule itself).
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2140/2 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Power Controls Mutability
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       No entity with power below the power of this rule can
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. cause an entity to have power greater than its own.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. adjust the power of an instrument with power greater
>> than
>>      >>>>          its own.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. set or modify any other substantive aspect of an
>>     instrument
>>      >>>>          with power greater than its own.  A "substantive"
>>     aspect of
>>      >>>>          an instrument is any aspect that affects the
>> instrument's
>>      >>>>          operation.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 217/11 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Interpreting the Rules
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of
>>     the rules
>>      >>>>       takes precedence.  Where the text is silent,
>>     inconsistent, or
>>      >>>>       unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common
>> sense,
>>      >>>>       past judgements, and consideration of the best interests
>>     of the
>>      >>>>       game.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Definitions and prescriptions in the rules are only to be
>>      >>>>       applied using direct, forward reasoning; in particular, an
>>      >>>>       absurdity that can be concluded from the assumption that a
>>      >>>>       statement about rule-defined concepts is false does not
>>      >>>>       constitute proof that it is true.  Definitions in
>>     lower-powered
>>      >>>>       Rules do not overrule common-sense interpretations or
>> common
>>      >>>>       definitions of terms in higher-powered rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any rule change
>> that
>>      >>>>       would (1) prevent a person from initiating a formal
>>     process to
>>      >>>>       resolve matters of controversy, in the reasonable
>>     expectation
>>      >>>>       that the controversy will thereby be resolved; or (2)
>>     prevent a
>>      >>>>       person from causing formal reconsideration of any judicial
>>      >>>>       determination that e should be punished, is wholly void
>> and
>>      >>>>       without effect.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1030/11 (Power=3.2)
>>      >>>> Precedence between Rules
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       In a conflict between Rules, the conflict shall be
>>     resolved by
>>      >>>>       performing the following comparisons in the sequence
>>     written in
>>      >>>>       this rule, until the conflict is resolved.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       - In a conflict between Rules with different Power, the
>> Rule
>>      >>>>         with the higher Power takes precedence over the Rule
>>     with the
>>      >>>>         lower Power; otherwise,
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       - If all of the Rules in conflict explicitly say that
>> their
>>      >>>>         precedence relations are determined by some other Rule
>> for
>>      >>>>         determining precedence relations, then the
>>     determinations of
>>      >>>>         the precedence-determining Rule shall be used to
>>     resolve the
>>      >>>>         conflicts; otherwise,
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       - If at least one of the Rules in conflict explicitly
>>     says of
>>      >>>>         itself that it defers to another Rule (or type of Rule)
>> or
>>      >>>>         takes precedence over another Rule (or type of Rule),
>> then
>>      >>>>         such provisions shall be used to resolve the conflict,
>>     unless
>>      >>>>         they lead to contradictions between each other;
>> otherwise,
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       - If any of the rules in conflict have ID numbers, then
>>     the Rule
>>      >>>>         with the lowest ID number takes precedence; otherwise,
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       - The Rule enacted earliest takes precedence.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Clauses in any other rule that broadly claim precedence
>>     (e.g.
>>      >>>>       over "all rules" of a certain class) shall be, prima
>> facie,
>>      >>>>       considered to be limited claims of precedence or
>>     deference that
>>      >>>>       are applicable only when such claims are evaluated as
>>     described
>>      >>>>       within the above sequence.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       No change to the Ruleset can occur that would cause a
>>     Rule to
>>      >>>>       directly claim precedence over this Rule as a means of
>>      >>>>       determining precedence.  This applies to changes by the
>>      >>>>       enactment or amendment of a Rule, or of any other form.
>> This
>>      >>>>       Rule takes precedence over any Rule that would permit such
>> a
>>      >>>>       change to the Ruleset.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2240/1 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> No Cretans Need Apply
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       In a conflict between clauses of the same Rule, if
>>     exactly one
>>      >>>>       claims precedence over the other, then it takes
>> precedence;
>>      >>>>       otherwise, the later clause takes precedence.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 105/14 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Rule Changes
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Where permitted by other rules, an instrument generally
>> can,
>>      >>>>       as part of its effect,
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. enact a rule.  The new rule has power equal to the
>>     minimum
>>      >>>>          of the power specified by the enacting instrument,
>>      >>>>          defaulting to one if the enacting instrument does not
>>      >>>>          specify or if it specifies a power less than 0.1, and
>> the
>>      >>>>          maximum power permitted by other rules.  The enacting
>>      >>>>          instrument may specify a title for the new rule, which
>> if
>>      >>>>          present shall prevail.  The ID number of the new rule
>>     cannot
>>      >>>>          be specified by the enacting instrument; any attempt
>>     to so
>>      >>>>          specify is null and void.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. repeal a rule.  When a rule is repealed, it ceases to
>>     be a
>>      >>>>          rule, and the Rulekeepor need no longer maintain a
>> record
>>      >>>>          of it.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. reenact a rule. A repealed rule identified by its most
>>      >>>>          recent rule number MUST be reenacted with the same ID
>>     number
>>      >>>> and
>>      >>>>          the next change identifier. If no text is specified,
>>     the rule
>>      >>>>          is reenacted with the same text it had when it was most
>>      >>>>          recently repealed. If the reenacting proposal
>>     provides new text
>>      >>>>          for the rule, the rule must have materially the same
>>     purpose as
>>      >>>>          did the repealed version; otherwise, the attempt to
>>     reenact the
>>      >>>>          rule is null and void.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       4. amend the text of a rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       5. retitle a rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       6. change the power of a rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A rule change is any effect that falls into the above
>>     classes.
>>      >>>>       Rule changes always occur sequentially, never
>>     simultaneously.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Any ambiguity in the specification of a rule change
>>     causes that
>>      >>>>       change to be void and without effect.  An inconsequential
>>      >>>>       variation in the quotation of an existing rule does not
>>      >>>>       constitute ambiguity for the purposes of this rule, but
>> any
>>      >>>>       other variation does.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A rule change is wholly prevented from taking effect
>>     unless its
>>      >>>>       full text was published, along with an unambiguous and
>> clear
>>      >>>>       specification of the method to be used for changing the
>>     rule, at
>>      >>>>       least 4 days and no more than 60 days before it would
>>     otherwise
>>      >>>>       take effect.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       This rule provides the only mechanism by which rules can
>> be
>>      >>>>       created, modified, or destroyed, or by which an entity can
>>      >>>>       become a rule or cease to be a rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ======================================================================
>>      >>>> Reusable Definitions
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2152/7 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Mother, May I?
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The following terms are defined.  These definitions are
>> used
>>      >>>>       when a rule includes a term in all caps, and provide
>>     guidance in
>>      >>>>       determining the ordinary-language meaning of a term when
>>     a rule
>>      >>>>       includes a term otherwise.  Earlier definitions take
>>     precedence
>>      >>>>       over later ones.  If a rule specifies one or more persons
>> in
>>      >>>>       connection with a term, then the term applies only to the
>>      >>>>       specified person(s).
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. CANNOT, IMPOSSIBLE, INEFFECTIVE, INVALID:  Attempts to
>>      >>>>          perform the described action are unsuccessful.
>>      >>>>
>>     Performing
>>      >>>>          the described action violates the rule in question.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. NEED NOT, OPTIONAL:  Failing to perform the described
>>     action
>>      >>>>          does not violate the rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       4. SHOULD NOT, DISCOURAGED, DEPRECATED:  Before
>>     performing the
>>      >>>>          described action, the full implications of performing
>> it
>>      >>>>          should be understood and carefully weighed.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       5. CAN: Attempts to perform the described action are
>>     successful.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       6. MAY: Performing the described action does not violate
>> the
>>      >>>>          rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       7. MUST, SHALL, REQUIRED, MANDATORY:  Failing to perform
>> the
>>      >>>>          described action violates the rule in question.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       8. SHOULD, ENCOURAGED, RECOMMENDED:  Before failing to
>>     perform
>>      >>>>          the described action, the full implications of failing
>> to
>>      >>>>          perform it should (in the ordinary-language sense) be
>>      >>>>          understood and carefully weighed.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2162/10 (Power=2)
>>      >>>> Switches
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A type of switch is a property that the rules define as a
>>      >>>>       switch, and specify the following:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. The type(s) of entity possessing an instance of that
>>     switch.
>>      >>>>          No other entity possesses an instance of that switch.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. One or more possible values for instances of that
>> switch,
>>      >>>>          exactly one of which is designated as the default.
>> No other
>>      >>>>          values are possible for instances of that switch.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. Optionally, exactly one office whose holder tracks
>>     instances
>>      >>>>          of that switch.  That officer's (weekly, if not
>> specified
>>      >>>>          otherwise) report includes the value of each instance
>>     of that
>>      >>>>          switch whose value is not its default value; a public
>>      >>>>          document purporting to be this portion of that
>> officer's
>>      >>>>          report is self-ratifying, and implies that other
>>     instances
>>      >>>>          are at their default value.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       At any given time, each instance of a switch has exactly
>> one
>>      >>>>       possible value for that type of switch.  If an instance of
>> a
>>      >>>>       switch comes to have a value, it ceases to have any
>>     other value.
>>      >>>>       If an instance of a switch would otherwise fail to have a
>>      >>>>       possible value, it comes to have its default value.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       "To flip an instance of a switch" is to make it come to
>>     have a
>>      >>>>       given value.  "To become X" (where X is a possible value
>> of
>>      >>>>       exactly one of the subject's switches) is to flip that
>>     switch to
>>      >>>>       X.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       If an action or set of actions would cause the value of an
>>      >>>>       instance of a switch to become indeterminate, the instance
>>      >>>>       instead takes on its last determinate and possible value,
>> if
>>      >>>>       any, otherwise it takes on its default value.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A singleton switch is a switch for which Agora Nomic is
>>     the only
>>      >>>>       entity possessing an instance of that switch.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A boolean switch is a switch with values True and False. A
>>      >>>>       positive boolean switch has a default of True; a negative
>>      >>>>       boolean switch has a default of False.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Attempting to flip an instance of a switch to a value it
>>     already
>>      >>>>       has does not flip the switch.  However, if a person is
>>      >>>>       to flip a switch instance to a value it already has,
>>     then either
>>      >>>>       attempting to do so using the required mechanism, or
>>     announcing
>>      >>>>       that the switch already has the required value, fulfills
>> the
>>      >>>>       requirement without flipping the switch.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2125/10 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Regulated Actions
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       An action is restricted if: (1) the Rules limit, allow,
>>     enable,
>>      >>>>       or permit its performance; (2) describe the
>>     circumstances under
>>      >>>>       which the action would succeed or fail; or (3) the
>>     action would,
>>      >>>>       as part of its effect, modify information for which some
>>     player
>>      >>>>       is required to be a recordkeepor.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A Restricted Action CAN only be performed as described
>>     by the
>>      >>>> Rules, and only
>>      >>>>       using the methods explicitly specified in the Rules for
>>     performing
>>      >>>> the given
>>      >>>>       action.  The Rules SHALL NOT be interpreted so as to
>>     proscribe
>>      >>>>       unrestricted actions.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1023/37 (Power=2)
>>      >>>> Agoran Time
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The following terms are defined:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. The phrase "in a timely fashion" means "within 7 days".
>>      >>>>          This time period is set when the requirement is created
>>      >>>>          (i.e. X days before the limit ends).  A requirement to
>>      >>>>          perform an action at an exact instant (e.g.  "when X, Y
>>      >>>>          SHALL Z"), but not "in the same message", is instead
>>      >>>>          interpreted as a requirement to perform that action in
>> a
>>      >>>>          timely fashion after that instant.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. Agoran epochs:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           1. Agoran days begin at midnight UTC.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           3. Agoran months begin at midnight UTC on the first
>>     day of
>>      >>>>              each Gregorian month.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           4. Agoran quarters begin when the Agoran months of
>>     January,
>>      >>>>              April, July, and October begin.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           5. Agoran years begin when the Agoran month of January
>>      >>>>              begins.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           6. A pivot is either the instant at which Agora
>>     Nomic began
>>      >>>>              (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant
>> at
>>      >>>>              which at least one person won the game.  When
>>     used as a
>>      >>>>              period of time, a "Round" (historical syn: "game")
>> is
>>      >>>>              the period of time between a pivot and the next
>>     pivot.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           These definitions do not apply to relative durations
>>     (e.g.
>>      >>>>           "within <number> days after <event>").
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. Two points in time are within a month of each other if:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           1. they occur in the same Agoran month;
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           2. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months, and
>> the
>>      >>>>              later of the two occurs in an earlier day in the
>>     month
>>      >>>>              than the earlier one;
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>           3. they occur in two consecutive Agoran months on
>>     the same
>>      >>>>              day of the month, and the later of the two occurs
>>     at the
>>      >>>>              same or earlier time of day.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 1728/37 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Dependent Actions
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A rule which purports to allow a person (the performer) to
>>      >>>>       perform an action by a set of one or more of the following
>>      >>>>       methods (N is 1 unless otherwise specified):
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        1. Without N Objections, where N is a positive integer no
>>      >>>>           greater than 8.  ("Without Objection" is shorthand
>>     for this
>>      >>>>           method with N = 1.)
>>      >>>>        2. With N Supporters, where N is a positive integer.
>> ("With
>>      >>>>           Support" is shorthand for this method with N = 1.)
>>      >>>>        3. With N Agoran Consent, where N is an integer
>>     multiple of 0.1
>>      >>>>           with a minimum of 1.
>>      >>>>        4. With Notice.
>>      >>>>        5. With T Notice, where T is a time period.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       thereby allows em to perform the action by announcement
>>     if all
>>      >>>>       of the following are true:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        1. A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform
>> the
>>      >>>> action,
>>      >>>>           unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and
>>     method(s)
>>      >>>> (including
>>      >>>>           the value of N and/or T for each method), at most
>>     fourteen
>>      >>>> days earlier.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        2. If the action is to be performed Without N
>>     Objections, With N
>>      >>>> Agoran
>>      >>>>           Consent, or With Notice, if the intent was announced
>>     at least
>>      >>>> 4 days
>>      >>>>           earlier
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        3. If the action is to be performed With T Notice, if
>>     the intent
>>      >>>> was
>>      >>>>           announced at least T earlier.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        4. At least one of the following is true:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>             1. The performer is the initiator.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>             2. The initiator was authorized to perform the
>>     action due to
>>      >>>> holding
>>      >>>>                a rule-defined position now held by the
>> performer.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>             3. The initiator is authorized to perform the
>>     action, the
>>      >>>> action
>>      >>>>                depends on support, the performer has supported
>> the
>>      >>>> intent, and the
>>      >>>>                rule authorizing the performance does not
>>     explicitly
>>      >>>> prohibit
>>      >>>>                supporters from performing it.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        5. Agora is Satisfied with the announced intent, as
>>     defined by
>>      >>>> other rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>        6. If a set of conditions for the performance of the
>>     action was
>>      >>>> given in the
>>      >>>>           announcement of intent to perform the action, all
>> those
>>      >>>> conditions are
>>      >>>>           met.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The actor SHOULD publish a list of supporters if the
>> action
>>      >>>>       depends on support, and a list of objectors if it depends
>> on
>>      >>>>       objections.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2486/0 (Power=3.14)
>>      >>>> The Royal Parade
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>                     _
>>      >>>>                   _\ /_
>>      >>>>                   >_X_<
>>      >>>>            .---._  /_\  _.---.
>>      >>>>          /`.---._`{/ \}`_.---.`\
>>      >>>>         | /   ___`{\_/}`___   \ |
>>      >>>>         \ \."`*  `"{_}"`  *`"./ /
>>      >>>>          \ \  )\  _\ /_  /(  / /
>>      >>>>           \ *<()( >_X_< )()>* /
>>      >>>>            |._)/._./_\._.\(_.|
>>      >>>>       jgs  |() () () () () ()|
>>      >>>>            <<o>><<o>><o>><<o>>
>>      >>>>           `"""""""""""""""""""`
>>      >>>>            IN CELEBRATION of Alexis being crowned Princess of
>>     Agora,
>>      >>>>                 without prejudice to Any before or since
>>      >>>>                 who may come to hold a Title
>>      >>>>                 whether Patent or otherwise;
>>      >>>>           IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a Royal Parade be
>>     established,
>>      >>>>                 imbued in this very Rule,
>>      >>>>                 which shall travel around Agora to Rules of
>>     import;
>>      >>>>           AND THEREFORE, the Rulekeepor SHOULD place this Rule
>>      >>>>                 near recently-amended rules of high Power;
>>      >>>>           AND FURTHERMORE, additions to this Parade are most
>>     welcome
>>      >>>>                when Events suiting the honour should occur.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2124/20 (Power=2)
>>      >>>> Agoran Satisfaction
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A Supporter of a dependent action is an eligible entity
>>     who has
>>      >>>> publicly
>>      >>>>       posted (and not withdrawn) support (syn. "consent") for an
>>      >>>> announcement of
>>      >>>>       intent to perform the action.An Objector to a dependent
>>     action is
>>      >>>> an
>>      >>>>       eligible entity who has publicly posted (and not
>>     withdrawn) an
>>      >>>> objection
>>      >>>>       to the announcement of intent to perform the action.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The entities eligible to support or object to a
>>     dependent action
>>      >>>> are, by
>>      >>>>       default, all players, subject to modification by the
>>     document
>>      >>>> authorizing
>>      >>>>       the dependent action.However, the previous sentence
>>      >>>> notwithstanding, the
>>      >>>>       Executor of the announcement of intent is not eligible
>>     to support
>>      >>>> it.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Agora is Satisfied with an intent to perform a specific
>>     action if
>>      >>>> and only
>>      >>>>       if:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       1. if the action is to be performed Without N
>>     Objections, then it
>>      >>>> has
>>      >>>>          fewer than N objectors;
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       2. if the action is to be performed With N supporters,
>>     then it has
>>      >>>> N or
>>      >>>>          more supporters; and
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       3. if the action is to be performed with N Agoran
>>     Consent, then
>>      >>>> the ratio
>>      >>>>          of supporters to objectors is greater than N, or the
>>     action has
>>      >>>> at
>>      >>>>          least one supporter and no objectors.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       4. if the action is to be performed With Notice or With
>>     T Notice.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The above notwithstanding, if the action depends on
>>     objections,
>>      >>>> and an
>>      >>>>       objection to it has been withdrawn within the past 24
>>     hours, then
>>      >>>> Agora is
>>      >>>>       not Satisfied with the intent.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The above notwithstanding, Agora is not satisfied with
>>     the intent
>>      >>>> if the
>>      >>>>       Speaker has objected to it in the last 48 hours.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A person CANNOT support or object to an announcement of
>>     intent
>>      >>>> before the
>>      >>>>       intent is announced, or after e has withdrawn the same
>>     type of
>>      >>>> response.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2466/1 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Acting on Behalf
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       When a rule allows one person (the agent) to act on
>>     behalf of
>>      >>>> another
>>      >>>>       (the principal) to perform an action, that agent CAN
>>     perform the
>>      >>>> action if it
>>      >>>>       is POSSIBLE for the principal to do so, taking into
>>     account any
>>      >>>> prerequisites
>>      >>>>       for the action. If the enabling rule does not specify the
>>      >>>> mechanism by which
>>      >>>>       the agent may do so, then the agent CAN perform the
>>     action in the
>>      >>>> same manner
>>      >>>>       in which the principal CAN do so, with the additional
>>     requirement
>>      >>>> that the
>>      >>>>       agent must, in the message in which the action is
>> performed,
>>      >>>> uniquely identify
>>      >>>>       the principal and that the action is being taken on
>>     behalf of that
>>      >>>> person.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A person SHALL NOT act on behalf of another person if
>>     doing so
>>      >>>> causes the
>>      >>>>       second person to violate the rules. A person CANNOT act
>>     on behalf
>>      >>>> of another
>>      >>>>       person to do anything except perform a game action; in
>>     particular,
>>      >>>> a person
>>      >>>>       CANNOT act on behalf of another person to send a
>>     message, only to
>>      >>>> perform
>>      >>>>       specific actions that might be taken within a message.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       When an action is performed on behalf of a principal,
>>     then the
>>      >>>>       action is considered for all game purposes to have been
>>     performed
>>      >>>> by the
>>      >>>>       principal, unless a rule specifically states that it is
>>     treated
>>      >>>> differently
>>      >>>>       for some purpose, in which case it is treated as
>>     described by that
>>      >>>> rule.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Allowing a person to act on behalf of another person is
>>     secured at
>>      >>>> power 2.0.
>>      >>>>       This rule takes precedence over any rule that would
>>     prohibit a
>>      >>>> person from
>>      >>>>       taking an action, except that it defers to any rule that
>>     imposes
>>      >>>> limitations
>>      >>>>       specifically on actions taken on behalf of another person.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2524/0 (Power=2.4)
>>      >>>> Acting on Behalf via Contracts
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       If a rule says that a contract CAN do something by
>>     announcement,
>>      >>>> it is
>>      >>>>       equivalent to saying that that any person CAN take that
>>     action by
>>      >>>> announcement
>>      >>>>       if the contract's text says that e CAN do so under the
>>      >>>> circumstances; if
>>      >>>>       whether the contract enables the person to do so is
>>     indeterminate,
>>      >>>> or is the
>>      >>>>       subject of an inextricable conditional, the action is
>>      >>>> A person
>>      >>>>       SHALL NOT cause a contract to violate a rule using this
>>     method.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       If a rule specifies that a contract SHALL or SHALL NOT do
>>      >>>> something, each
>>      >>>>       party to the contract SHALL ensure that the contract
>>     respectively
>>      >>>> does
>>      >>>>       or does not do that thing.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The text of a contract can permit persons to act on
>>     behalf of a
>>      >>>> party or
>>      >>>>       group of parties. To do so, it must specify:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>         a. Which of its parties can be acted on behalf of;
>>      >>>>         b. What actions can be taken;
>>      >>>>         c. Who can take the actions; and
>>      >>>>         d. Any conditions or limitations upon the actions. If
>>     any such
>>      >>>>            limitations or conditions are inextricable, the
>> actions
>>      >>>> CANNOT be used.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2166/23 (Power=3)
>>      >>>> Assets
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       An asset is an entity defined as such by a (a) rule, (b)
>>      >>>> authorized
>>      >>>>       regulation, (c) group of rules and/or authorized
>>     regulations (but
>>      >>>> if such
>>      >>>>       regulations modify a preexisting asset class defined by
>>     a rule or
>>      >>>> another
>>      >>>>       title of regulations, they must be authorized
>>     specifically to do
>>      >>>> so by their
>>      >>>>       parent rule), or (d) contract (hereafter its backing
>>     document),
>>      >>>> and existing
>>      >>>>       solely because its backing document defines its
>>     existence. An
>>      >>>> asset's backing
>>      >>>>       document can specify when and how that asset is created,
>>      >>>> destroyed, and
>>      >>>>       transferred.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Each asset has exactly one owner. If an asset would
>>     otherwise
>>      >>>>       lack an owner, it is owned by Agora.  If an asset's
>> backing
>>      >>>> document restricts
>>      >>>>       its ownership to a class of entities, then that asset
>>     CANNOT be
>>      >>>> gained by or
>>      >>>>       transferred to an entity outside that class, and is
>>     destroyed if
>>      >>>> it is owned
>>      >>>>       by an entity outside that class (except if it is owned
>>     by Agora,
>>      >>>> in which case
>>      >>>>       any player CAN transfer or destroy it without
>>     objection). The
>>      >>>> restrictions in
>>      >>>>       the previous sentence are subject to modification by its
>>     backing
>>      >>>> document.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Unless modified by an asset's backing document,
>>     ownership of an
>>      >>>> asset is
>>      >>>>       restricted to Agora, players, and contracts. As an
>>     exception to
>>      >>>> the last
>>      >>>>       sentence, non-player persons are generally able to own
>>     assets
>>      >>>> defined by
>>      >>>>       a contract they are a party to, subject to modification
>>     by the
>>      >>>> contract in
>>      >>>>       question.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A contract's text can specify whether or not that
>>     contract is
>>      >>>>       willing to receive assets or a class of assets. Generally,
>> a
>>      >>>> contract CANNOT
>>      >>>>       be given assets it is unwilling to receive. If the
>>     contract is
>>      >>>> silent on the
>>      >>>>       matter, or if its willingness is indeterminate or the
>>     subject of a
>>      >>>>       inextricable conditional, the procedure to determine its
>>      >>>> willingness is as
>>      >>>>       follows:
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>         1. If the contract appears to anticipate being given
>>     assets,
>>      >>>> other than for
>>      >>>>            sustenance (e.g. by authorizing parties to spend the
>>      >>>> contract's assets),
>>      >>>>            then the contract is willing to receive all assets.
>>      >>>>         2. Otherwise, it is unwilling to receive all assets.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The previous paragraph (including the list)
>>     notwithstanding, a
>>      >>>> contract
>>      >>>>       CAN be given 1 shiny a month for its sustenance payment,
>>     so long
>>      >>>> as
>>      >>>>       it never has more than 1 shiny at a time.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The recordkeepor of a class of assets is the entity (if
>> any)
>>      >>>>       defined as such by, and bound by, its backing document.
>> That
>>      >>>>       entity's report includes a list of all instances of that
>>     class
>>      >>>>       and their owners.  This portion of that entity's report is
>>      >>>>       self-ratifying. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a
>>     contract
>>      >>>> CANNOT
>>      >>>>       oblige a person who isn't a member to record its
>>     internal state,
>>      >>>> nor is
>>      >>>>       the default recordkeepor responsible for tracking a
>>     contract's
>>      >>>> internal state.
>>      >>>>       For the purposes of this rule, the promulgator of a
>>     regulation is
>>      >>>> bound by
>>      >>>>       it.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by
>>      >>>>       announcement, subject to modification by its backing
>>     document. An
>>      >>>>       indestructible asset is one defined as such by it backing
>>      >>>> document, and CANNOT
>>      >>>>       be destroyed except by a rule, other than this one,
>>     specifically
>>      >>>> addressing
>>      >>>>       the destruction of indestructible assets or that asset in
>>      >>>> particular; any
>>      >>>>       other asset is destructible. In circumstances where
>>     another asset
>>      >>>> would be
>>      >>>>       destroyed, an indestructible asset is generally
>>     transferred to
>>      >>>> Agora, subject
>>      >>>>       to modification by its backing document and the
>>     intervention of
>>      >>>> other rules.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       To "lose" an asset is to have it destroyed from one's
>>      >>>>       possession; to "revoke" an asset from an entity is to
>>     destroy it
>>      >>>>       from that entity's possession.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. paid, given)
>> by
>>      >>>> announcement by
>>      >>>>       its owner to another entity, subject to modification by
>> its
>>      >>>>       backing document. A fixed asset is one defined as such
>>     by its
>>      >>>> backing
>>      >>>>       document, and CANNOT be transferred; any other asset is
>>     liquid.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       When a rule indicates transferring an amount that is not
>>     a natural
>>      >>>> number,
>>      >>>>       the specified amount is rounded up to the nearest
>>     natural number.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A currency is a class of asset defined as such by its
>>     backing
>>      >>>> document.
>>      >>>>       Instances of a currency with the same owner are fungible.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       The "x balance of an entity", where x is a currency, is
>>     the number
>>      >>>> of x that
>>      >>>>       entity possesses. If a rule, proposal, or other competent
>>      >>>> authority attempts
>>      >>>>       to increase or decrease the balance of an entity without
>>      >>>> specifying a source
>>      >>>>       or destination, then the currency is created or destroyed
>> as
>>      >>>> needed.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       When a player causes one or more balances to change, e is
>>      >>>> ENCOURAGED
>>      >>>>       to specify the resulting balance(s). Players SHOULD NOT
>>     specify
>>      >>>>       inaccurate balances.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Where it resolves ambiguity, the asset or currency being
>>     referred
>>      >>>> to is the
>>      >>>>       currency designated as "Agora's official currency", if
>>     there is
>>      >>>> one.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       An asset or class of assets is private, rather than
>>     public, if its
>>      >>>>       backing document is a contract.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2515/0 (Power=1)
>>      >>>> Distributing Assets
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       To “distribute” a quantity of a fungible asset to a set of
>>      >>>> recipients is to
>>      >>>>       transfer one instance of that asset at a time to the
>>     recipient
>>      >>>> that owns
>>      >>>>       the least number of instances of that asset, until
>>     either no more
>>      >>>> instances
>>      >>>>       of the asset are eligible to be distributed, or the
>>     number of
>>      >>>> instances so
>>      >>>>       transferred equals the quantity to be distributed. If,
>> when
>>      >>>> distributing a
>>      >>>>       specific asset, two or more recipients each own the
>>     least number
>>      >>>> of instances
>>      >>>>       of that asset, then the recipient that most recently
>> became
>>      >>>> eligible to own
>>      >>>>       the asset SHALL receive the asset being distributed.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>
>>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>> Rule 2493/2 (Power=3.1)
>>      >>>> Regulations
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A Regulation is an textual entity defined as such by
>>     this rule. A
>>      >>>> regulation
>>      >>>>       allows an officer (known as the Promulgator) to exercise
>>     rule
>>      >>>> defined powers.
>>      >>>>       A regulation is in effect continuously from the time of
>> its
>>      >>>> creation to the
>>      >>>>       time of either its revocation or the repeal of the rule
>> that
>>      >>>> allowed for its
>>      >>>>       creation. When recommending a regulation, its
>>     Promulgator must
>>      >>>> specify by
>>      >>>>       number the rule(s) upon which it is based (the parent
>>     rules), the
>>      >>>> list of
>>      >>>>       which becomes an integral part of the regulation. The
>>     list of
>>      >>>> rules can
>>      >>>>       generally be modified by the Promulgator according to the
>>      >>>> procedure for text
>>      >>>>       changes.
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       A regulation must be authorized by at least one rule in
>>     order for
>>      >>>> it to exist.
>>      >>>>       A regulation has effect on the game (only) insofar as
>>     the rule or
>>      >>>> rules that
>>      >>>>       authorized it permit it to have effect. If reasonably
>>     possible, a
>>      >>>> regulation
>>      >>>>       should be interpreted so as to defer to other rules. The
>>     procedure
>>      >>>> for
>>      >>>>       resolving conflict between regulations is the same as it
>>     is for
>>      >>>> rules (for the
>>      >>>>       purposes of resolving conflicts only, a regulation is
>>     treated as
>>      >>>> if it
>>      >>>>       had the power of its least powerful parent rule).
>>      >>>>
>>      >>>>       Regulations are generally issued according to the
>> following
>>      >>>> procedures,
>>      >>>>       and they can be repealed by the announcement of their
>>     Promulgator.
>>      >>>> Alternate

>From V.J. Rada

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